Chapter 17

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Ki bum sat at the side,watching Jimin sleep peacefully,his face as pale as the interior of the room and Jin was outside.Ki bum reached out his hand to brush a few strands of hair off Jimin's face but stopped since somehow it felt wrong.He sighed and retracted his hands.He loves Jimin and he had known that for a while now but he wasn't ready to tell him yet.With the situation given of about how Jimin was Taehyung's fake boyfriend and stuff.But one day he wanted to let him know and sitting by a unconscious Jimin was hurting him too much,urging him into cross borders and hold Jimin in his arms but it was wrong.Atleast for now.The door opened and Jin walked in,tired because of the chaotic sleepless night.
"Why did they call,hyung?",Ki bum asked and Jin spoke,"To fill the emergency contact details,Did you talk to the doctor?"
Ki bum debated if he should tell Jin what really was happening.But it wasn't his secret to share so he said,"The heat got to him,the party might have tired him out.He is new to these things,right?"
Jin nodded and looked at his phone,"I called Tae,He didn't respond.I think we can head home once he wakes up"
Ki bum nodded but Jin wasn't finished,"What kind of a dickhead boyfriend does he have?Selfish!! Always selfish."
Ki bum held his silence.When will things fall into place?


Yoongi was in a rush and he ran around the room pulling clothes off the closet and searching for his socks,he was late to work.His headache was intensifying by the minute, luckily Hyeojoo had prepared hangover soup for him.He is grateful.It was suspicious to not see Jin anywhere,usually Jin would be sleeping by him but he was no where to be found and he tried to think about what happened last night.Did he do something stupid? Hopefully not, yet he couldn't deny his alcohol problem is running along it's bounds and he might trip.There were noone downstairs too as he ate a few slices of apple before heading out and just when he was about to open the door,he heard footsteps approaching towards the door from the outside.
Jimin was saying,"I'll keep you to that promise.I trust you won't tell anyone about last night,hyung"
"What promise?",Yoongi said as he opened the door to see Jimin and Jin side by side,Jin holding Jimin's upper arm and Jimin looking very tired.The duo were startled so much that they couldn't even come back with anything.Yoongi looked from Jin to Jimin and back to Jin.
"Why are you coming from outside?Did you have a detour to somewhere last night?",Yoongi asked.
"Aay, hyung.Don't be jealous.Jin hyung is like a brother to me",Jimin laughed lightly and Yoongi scoffed under instinct.
"I was concerned,please.", Yoongi retorted and Jin checked his watch,"It's half past nine, aren't you late ,Yoongles?"
"Shit",Yoongi swore as he pushed the duo aside and took off in a run.Jin shrugged like it's an easy peasy job.
"By the way,your scan reports are with Ki bum and he talked with the doctor.So if you need to know anything,ask him",Jin said coolly as he walked into the kitchen.Jimin strangely felt weird, Does Ki bum know?Jin hyung doesn't seem to cause he was only talking about the party heat and just promised him that he wouldn't tell anyone about the unfortunate event last night.He doesn't seem to know why and how.But would he really not question it? Either way what Jimin needs right now is a good sleep.He was about to go up to sleep but remembered the couch gave him cramps and a full fledged body pain,so he turned into the left hallway towards Jungkook's room.He knocked and Jungkook opened the door mid-way putting on his coat ,getting ready to head to work.

"Can I sleep here?",Jimin asked straight forward.He was too tired to request or explain and for Jungkook,that wasn't even a problem.
"Sleep all you want,hyung",Jungkook said as he removed his socks off the bed and Jimin mumbled a 'thanks' before he hit the bed and then he was out.


Moonbyul squirmed inside her sheets as her phone rang.She cursed under her breath before reaching out and attending the call,"Yes?"
"Byul-ah,I need help"
"I don't get paid enough for this",She said before getting up to listen to another rant of SeokJin.


Hoseok looked around at the museum,walking from displays to the other,lazily exclaiming at whatever they were.He was somewhere between interested and equally bored.Something only Hoseok can do.Namjoon had woke him up and asked him to come along to the museum.He had said an excuse that he was concerned about Hoseok not being able to go out much but in all honesty,he just wants to keep Hoseok under his field of view.Hoseok knows that too ,especially when the alcohol wore off and hitting on Jungkook seemed to be a little weird this morning.When he turned around at the stairs leading to third floor, Namjoon called him from behind.
"Do you want some coffee?",Namjoon offered and Hoseok took it.
"You're not angry anymore?",Hoseok had to ask.Namjoon shrugged and lead them to sit on a bench.
"It's partially my fault",He said before taking a sip of his coffee.Hoseok blinked,"How?"
"I brought you with me even after knowing what kind of person you are,no offense intended.But that's on me"
"No offense taken,but am sorry",Hoseok was sincere,he meant it,"you warned me twice.I was thrown off yesterday"
Namjoon didn't reply for a while and then nodded.And to Namjoon's surprise,Hoseok even offered to apologize to Jungkook.Maybe Hoseok is not that bad,thought Namjoon.

Jimin woke up to a slight movement around him and he opened his eyes to see Ki bum turning to leave.It took a while for Jimin to come to his senses that he was sleeping in Jungkook's room.
"Hyung",He called Ki bum before he closed the door behind him.
"Oh,you woke up",Ki bum exclaimed and walked back in.Jimin sat up,rubbing his eyes.
"I was heading home after work.So I thought I'll check in on you.Ajhumma said you are here",Ki bum quickly explained before taking a seat by his bed side.
"Oh! How long have I been sleeping?",Jimin exclaimed as he grabbed his phone to see the time was around half past five in the evening.He gasped,he had slept almost a full day.Ki bum chuckled at Jimin's shocked face,"It's alright,you needed the rest"
Jimin sighed and laid back onto the head rest and suddenly remembered something,"Hyung,Jin hyung said you have my reports.Can I have them ?", Jimin was treading lightly.He doesn't know if Ki bum knows anything.Jimin took caution.Ki bum nodded,"I'll bring it to you tomorrow"

Jimin closed his eyes and took a soft breath in.
"Are you okay now?",Ki bum asked and Jimin silently nodded.He wanted to ask if Ki bum knew anything but then Ki bum looked like he wanted to get something off his chest.He urged Ki bum,"What is it,Hyung?"
"It's not the right time",Ki bum said,smiling with tight lips,"It's too early",he finished.
Jimin didn't understand but he replied with the single sentence that came into his mind,"What if it becomes too late later?"
And that seem to stir something in Ki bum's heart.Those words affected him more than it should.
"Jimin,don't say such things",Ki bum scolded and Jimin laughed,"it was a joke,hyung"
"Jimin,I like you",Ki bum slipped and Jimin froze.His mouth fell apart with invisible words spilling out,time stopped.

A/n:Well,you all must have seen that one coming.
I didn't ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Anyway we gotta progress.

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