A Dream Come True

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The ship has been at sea for two days. The next stop in the route is Puerto Rico.

It's the second night. It's formal night in the dining room, so you all had to dress nice. The boys were getting ready in Ki Hong's room and the girls were getting ready in Kaya's room since they both have big rooms.

In Ki Hong's room
The other guys were still getting ready for dinner and pictures. Thomas was talking to Ki Hong, Ben, and Wes. He needs some advice.

"So, are you nervous?" Wes asked.

"Yes. It's weird how I can do auditions, movie premieres, award ceremonies, and just not care at all. But, my stomach's in knots." Thomas admitted.

"Show us the ring, then we'll give you advice." Ki Hong said.

Thomas pulls a small, velvet box out of his suit pocket. He opens it and the ring is revealed.

Everyone in the room gasped

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Everyone in the room gasped.

"Oh my gosh! That's beautiful." Wes complemented.

"Y/n's gonna love it." Blake said.

Then, there was a knock on the door. Dylan opened it and there were the girls.

"Ready for dinner?" Rosa asked them.

They all walked out into the hallway. You and Thomas linked arms, just like at prom. The elevator took you guys down to the dining hall.

You guys walked into the dining hall and went towards your big table. Your waiter, Eduardo came and took your orders. When he returned with your drinks, Wes stood up and proposed a toast. You guys had a lot of different conversations before the food came.

Everyone was stuffed after eating the main course, but some of you wanted dessert. Thomas ordered a chocolate cake for you and him. When everyone was done with dessert, you all left to go take pictures. Ki Hong and Kaya went up to the child care center to get their babies for the pictures.

Wes went up to a photographer and gave her the name of the appointment. The photographer set up a few group pictures, and a few solo pictures. The boys and girls did some group pictures. Kaya and Ki Hong both wanted to do family pictures.

You and Thomas got in front of the camera. The photographer positioned you guys for a shot. Then, Thomas stopped her for a second.

"Wait, y/n. I want you to face this way and point up for a picture." Thomas explained, while positioning you.

With you facing away, he got down on one knee and pulled out the ring box.

You turned back around and saw Thomas down on one knee. You gasped and started to tear up.

"Y/n, you have completely changed my life, and I know that I have changed yours. I'm making a lifelong promise that nothing and no one can come between us. I am so happy that we found each other. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than anything in the world. In fact, you are my whole world. So, will you, y/n m/n l/n make me the happiest man on the high seas and marry me?" Thomas proposed.

You nodded vigorously and tears streamed down your face.

"Yes. Yes." you cried.

Thomas stood up and slid the ring on your finger. You hugged him and cried into his shoulder.

"I love you." you muffled.

"I love you too." he said.

After that, you and Thomas were now taking engagement pictures. Your lifelong dream finally come true. You're engaged and your boyfriend is now your fiancé.

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