Welcome Maisie

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You and Thomas changed your route and headed towards his parents' house. He carried the Corgi puppy in his arms. The rain started to come down even harder. Luckily, his parents' house isn't that far away. You guys finally made it. You knocked on the front door. Thomas's sister, Ava answered the door about a minute later.

"Hey sis." Thomas said to her.

"Hi. Come in." she responded.

Ava let you both inside and shut the door. You and Thomas took off your coats and shoes at the door.

"Where did you get this puppy?" Ava asked you.

"We were on our way to meet Thomas's casting agent when I heard a whimpering sound coming from an alley. I lifted up a piece of newspaper and there it was." you explained.

Their parents, Mark and Tasha came downstairs when they heard your voices in the foyer. You all went into the living room. Thomas and his parents sat on the furniture, while you and Ava were on the floor with the puppy. Thomas explained everything from the beginning. While he did that, you and Ava were petting and playing with the puppy. You figured out that it was a girl.

"Well, it looks like she's yours. She doesn't have a collar." Mark said.

"What are you guys going to name her?" Ava said, handing the puppy to Thomas.

You sat down next to him on the sofa. He was softly petting her little head. He made eye contact with you.

"How about Maisie?" Thomas asked.

"That's perfect." you said.

"You two should go by the vet's office to let them do a checkup and fill out adoption papers." Tasha suggested.

"Good idea. We'll go when the rain lets up, but it looks like it'll be a while." Thomas said, pointing to the window.

The rain went from a light drizzle to pouring down.


In the meantime, you, Thomas, and Ava played with Maisie. The rain let up a little, and you and Thomas left his parents' house. You both walked back to his apartment complex to get in the car. He drove to the vet's office. Maisie was shaking in your arms because of the cold air and rain. You held her close to stop the shaking. You guys arrived at the vet's office and went inside to see other people with their pets.

"Hi. How can I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"We found this Corgi puppy in an alley, while taking a walk. She didn't have a collar and we rescued her." you explained.

"We would like to officially adopt her, as well as doing a checkup." Thomas added.

"Okay. Just fill out this form and the vet will call you back." the receptionist said, handing Thomas a clipboard with a paper attached to it.

After about thirty minutes, he finished filling out the form and gave it to the receptionist. While waiting, you both pet Maisie and gave her some treats. The vet called Maisie back to give her a checkup and go over the adoption. The entire thing took over an hour.

You both were hungry after the vet's visit. Thomas drove to a pet store to get stuff for Maisie, then got pizza for dinner. You and Thomas relaxed on the sofa after that long day. Maisie looked like she was patiently to get up on the sofa. Thomas picked her up and placed her in the middle cushion. Maisie made herself comfortable and looked like she was getting sleepy. When her eyes were closed, you took a picture of that precious moment.

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