You Win Some, you lose some

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Maisie was so close to falling asleep on Thomas's chest. That was until his phone rang, which made her to wake up completely. He handed her to you and went to the bedroom to take the call. Maisie was staring right at you.

"Wonder who Daddy is talking to?" you asked her.

She let out a whimper as she laid beside you. You opened your phone and went on Instagram. You looked up some Corgi profiles. They were so cute and funny. As you were scrolling through, Maisie pressed her paws on your leg to get a better look. You found a video of a puppy howling after its owner, then Maisie started to howl like the video.

Then, Thomas came out of his room and sat back down in his spot on the sofa. He had a blank expression in his face and looked like he was a million miles away. You've never seen him like that before.

"Thomas? What's wrong?" you asked.

He said nothing.

"What's wrong?" you asked again.

You saw water glistening in his eyes, then tears rolled down his face.

"Thomas? Why are you crying?" you asked.

He turned his focus to you.

"I didn't get the part in the Dragon Rider." Thomas finally said.

The second after he said that, he crashed down next to you and cried on you.

You have never seen Thomas cry before. At the same time, you can't recall the last time he got rejected from a project. It's so sad to see him like this because you can relate to the feeling of rejection. You let him cry on you because he let you do it on him. You were rubbing his back and stroking his caramel hair.

After he calmed down, you both got ready for bed. Thomas was on his side of the bed, staring at the ceiling. Maisie had her paws up on the side and you put her on the bed. She walked over to Thomas and laid next to him. He smiled and softly pet her. When you came out of the bathroom, you saw Thomas asleep with Maisie on top of him. You smiled and took a picture of them.

The next morning, Thomas took you to a café downtown. Then, you guys went for a walk around the block. Something caught your eye as you both were walking. It was a theater up ahead. You walked past it, but something else caught your eye. It was an audition poster.

"Thomas, wait! Stop. I see something." you said, walking back to the theater.

You both read the poster. The theater is holding auditions for their next show, which is Fiddler on the Roof.

"Thomas, can we audition? Please. It's my favorite musical and it doesn't hurt to try." you said.

"I don't know, love. Onstage acting isn't really my thing, let alone singing." Thomas answered.

"Don't knock it until you try it. This can also take your mind off of your last audition." you persuaded.

"I guess you're right. It's worth a shot." he said.

You both grabbed an audition application from the box office.

After that, you both went back to his apartment. You guys spent the rest of the day filling out the applications and practicing monologues and/or songs. Males have to sing Miracle of Miracles, and females have to sing Matchmaker.

"You know what? This is actually very fun. I think we're both gonna great tomorrow." Thomas admitted.

"See? Am I ever wrong?" you questioned.

"I guess that'll depend on how tomorrow plays out." he said.

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