Another Graduation

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It felt like yesterday that you and your friends were getting ready for high school graduation. Now, you're preparing for community college graduation. Unlike the last graduation, the boys wore one of the school's colors and the girls wore the other. This time, everyone is wearing the same color cap and gown. Everyone wears a stole that has the school's name at the end. Some of the graduates received an academic achievement medal, which included you.

The ceremony is at a local park. It was a perfect sunny day with only a few clouds. When you, Kendra, and Emily were ready, the three of you took a picture. One of the college professors came into the dressing rooms to tell everyone to line up.

                            In the audience
Many families and friends came to see the ceremony. Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong, Kaya, Rosa, and Wes came too. The others couldn't work around their schedules, but they wish you the best of luck and to send pictures. The dean of the college came up to the podium to introduce himself and the graduating class.

A small band started to play the Pomp and Circumstance graduation song as the graduates walked in. The dean gave a small speech after everyone sat down. Now for the fun part...walking across the stage and receiving the Associate's degree.

The ceremony only took about forty-five minutes to an hour because it wasn't a big graduating class. Then, everyone threw their caps up in the air. Everyone in the audience stood up and cheered for the graduates. You found your family and friends. They were all so proud of you, Kendra, and Emily. One of the professors set up a photo session after everyone met with their families, then each of the graduates took pictures with their friends and family.

Everyone left the park. Your parents made dinner reservations at your favorite steakhouse for the whole family. They allowed Dylan, Thomas, Ki Hong, Kaya, Rosa, and Wes to tag along too. After everyone was done eating, your parents brought out a cake and placed it in front of you.

Your mom put the candles in and lit them up. Since there's no song for graduating, you just blew out the candles. Your parents and the waiter helped with distributing pieces of cake to everyone at the dinner table.

"This is how you celebrate graduation." you said.

"What about the graduation party we threw for you in South Africa?" Wes asked.

"That was for high school graduation. I'm talking about community college graduation." you said.

The next thing you know, Thomas puts some icing on your nose. You got back at him by doing the same thing.


Thomas stayed in town for a few days after the graduation ceremony. One night, he took you out on a date, but you had to do all the driving. You drove to the Italian restaurant that you and Dexter went to before the concert. A waiter seated you guys at a booth. While waiting for the food, you both discussed more about the wedding. Then, Thomas took your left hand into his hands. He was admiring the engagement ring on your finger.

"I can't wait to be married to you, love." he said.

You smiled. "Me too."

Soon enough, your food came and the two of you talked about different things. Then, Thomas asked a serious question.

"Y/n, since that you're out for summer break, would you like to come back with me to London?" he asked.

"Yes. Absolutely." you answered.

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