The World is Up for Grabs

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A few days after becoming a married couple, you and Thomas traveled to Hawaii for your honeymoon. It was so beautiful being in a tropical environment. You guys went to the beach, swam with dolphins, watched a luau show, walked on a nature trail, and visited the Pearl Harbor memorial.

It was the day to say goodbye to Hawaii. While packing up, your ringtone went off. It was an unknown number from y/state/n. You went out on the balcony to take the call. You tapped the accept button.

"Hello?" you answered.

"Hi. I'm trying to get a hold of y/n l/n." the voice on the other end said. You could tell that it was a male voice.

"This is y/n l/n." you said.

"Oh, hello. How are you doing?" he said.

"I'm good. How are you?" you asked.

"I'm fine. I have a bit of bad news for you." the man said.

You could feel your heart sink on the inside.

"Alright. What is it?" you asked.

"I'm sorry to tell you that we can't accept you into this college." the man said.

There was a moment of silence. It was like the world stopped. Tears started to swell up in your eyes.

"That doesn't make sense. I have maintained great school standards, I graduated from high school and community college, as well as applied as a transfer student. How is that not possible?" you said.

"We just didn't have enough room for so many returning and incoming students. We had to let go one eighth of those applied. There's nothing that I can do." the man explained.

"Okay. Have a good rest of your day. Goodbye." you said, then hung up.

You looked out at the amazing balcony view to clear your head before going back into the room. You took a deep breath and walked back inside. Thomas was talking to someone on his phone and was facing in the opposite direction. You just went back to packing up your things, which also gave you more time to calm down from the bad news.

"Oh! Here she is if you wanna talk to her. Love, it's for you." Thomas said, handing you his phone.

He looked really excited for you to take the phone. You took it and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" you said.

"Hi y/n. My name is Brent Johnson. I'm a scout for the AMDA College and Conservatory for the Performing Arts. Based off of your hard work in the Maze Runner series, we see the potential in you to be a professional actress. We want to offer you a scholarship for your final two years of your college career." he said.

You were blown away when you heard that. One minute ago, you got rejected from a college and you're being accepted into another one a minute later. You turned to Thomas, who looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. He was clearly excited and happy for you.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much. Yes, I'll accept that opportunity." you said with astonishment.

Thomas wrapped his arm around you and gave you a side hug.

"Excellent. I'll be emailing you additional information sometime today. Congratulations. I hope to see you soon." Brent said.

"Thank you. Bye." you said, then hung up.

You gave Thomas his phone back.

"I'm so proud of you, love. I can't believe that you're taking a step into the industry. You always told me how much you wanted to be a teacher. What made you change your mind?" Thomas said.

"Actually, the college that I applied to transfer to called me and said that they couldn't accept me due to maximum quantity. Now, I have to start at a whole new school somewhere in the next three weeks." you explained.

"That's odd. Come on, we better get going if we're gonna make our flight." Thomas said.

"Wait! Let's take a moment outside." you said.

You both walked out onto the balcony.

The sun was shining. The sky was bright blue and cloudless. A small breeze was blowing through the palm trees. Thomas wrapped his arm around you and you leaned on his side. You both were quiet for a few seconds.

"You know, I can't believe how much our lives have changed over the past few years." Thomas said.

"Yeah. I was given a once in a lifetime opportunity. I conquered my senior year. The Maze Runner era came to an end. Now, life will continue to go on." you said.

Thomas pulled you into a hug. You looked up into his eyes. Smiles were painted on your faces. You both looked like you were thinking the same thing. One thing's for sure:

The World is Up for Grabs


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