Puerto Rico

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You could not take your eyes off of the ring on your finger. The design is beautiful and the diamond was perfect. Thomas literally picked out the 'Diamond on the Rough.'

The boys and girls did a group picture with you and Thomas in the middle holding up a sign that said "Future Bridesmaids" and "Future Groomsmen."

Ki Hong, Ha Young Choi, Kaya, and Ben wanted pictures with you two since all of you are couples. Ki Hong, Kaya, and their spouses held up signs that had how many years they've been married. You and Thomas stood in the middle and held a sign that said "Engaged."

After the photo session, some of them went to a bakery, while others went to a dance club. The DJ played a lot of slow songs, which was perfect because of what just happened. He even played 'What If' by Kane Brown, 'Closer' by the Chainsmokers, and 'Cool Thing' by Rascal Flatts. Those were three out of the many songs that you two heard before you started dating.

When an unknown song came on, you and Thomas went to the bar to get something to drink. You both get sodas.

"Love, I'm getting a little tired from this place. How about we go for a walk on the deck?" Thomas suggested.

"Good idea. These heels are killing me." you said.

You both left the dance club and headed to the elevator. You pushed the button to take you up to the top deck of the ship.

The pool deck was right below, so it was lit up with bright, fluorescent lights. The sky was pitch black, but the stars were twinkling. There was a small breeze and the moon was in its crescent phase. You and Thomas held hands as you both walked. Eventually, you both got to a point where you needed sleep. You both went down to the private deck and called it a night. After you got ready for bed, you were still admiring the engagement ring on your finger.


It's the next day. The ship is now in Puerto Rico. Everyone met up at the buffet for breakfast. You couldn't help but look out the window.

"Okay everyone. Are you guys ready to explore Puerto Rico?" Dylan asked with an attempted Spanish accent.

"Su acento no es bueno." you said.

"Huh?" Kat questioned.

"Your accent is not good." you said in English.

"Worth a shot." Dylan admitted.

"Y/n, you know you can be our interpreter." Will said.

"Technically, no. I'm not that fluent and many Puerto Ricans speak English." you explained.

"Well, let's go than." Dexter said.

You all went downstairs to get off. Security checked your bags and your cruise ID cards. Once everyone got off of the port, Wes got a bus to take you guys to a beach called Crash Boat. The view of the island was breathtaking. Finally, you guys arrived at the beach. The water was turquoise and the sand was white, but very hot.

You guys found some lounge chairs that were close together and underneath some big palm trees. Many of you guys just sat down on the chairs. Rosa and Kat went to the bar. You went with Dylan and Dexter to talk to a guide about water activities.

The girls came back with pineapple drinks. You signed you and Thomas up for snorkeling. The reef was beautiful, but you thought that Thomas looked funny with the snorkel and goggles on. Soon, the fun day came to an end and you all had to go back to the ship.

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