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The cruise adventure went by very fast. In fact, everything that has happened over the past few months has gone by very fast. The ship is back at the port in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Everyone was packed up and ready to go, but the day can't start without breakfast.

  Wes's POV
I was almost done packing up. I looked out the window of my room for one last time.

'I'm gonna miss this adventure. I will definitely miss these amazing actors and actresses that were along for the ride. I will never forget this experience.' I thought.

My ringtone took my focus away from the window. It was Dan, who is the head of the editing team. I answered the call.

"Hey man." I said, while packing clothes in my suitcase.

"Wes, something happened!" he said, sounding like he's panicking.

"Whoa! What wrong?" I asked in concern.

"I logged into the movie files and they were missing. I checked everywhere on my computer and they're nowhere to be found." Dan explained.

My eyes widened and my heart sank.

"What? How could they just disappear? Every little bit and piece of the Death Cure is on those files." I said.

"I don't know. No one has access to them except for me." Dan said.

"I think you might've been hacked." I hypothesized.

"Maybe. I'm still working on it and I'll let you know if anything else happens." he said.

"Okay, thanks for telling me." I said.

"No problem. This is a crisis situation." Dan said.

"Okay. I'll gotta go. We'll discuss this later." I said.

Dan hung up and I continued packing up my stuff. I finished and was ready. I did a deep breathing exercise to calm myself down before seeing my cast. I'm gonna have to tell them. Just as I was about to leave, I received an email. It's from someone that I thought I would never hear from again.

My former college competitor and my arch enemy...Dale!

He was jealous of my film projects in college and his number one goal was to beat me, but I didn't let him get under my skin...until now.

His email said: "Hey pal. I heard that you lost your files to your final movie. That's because I have them. Revenge feels so sweet. You can't outrun this Maze. -Dale."

After reading that, I was infuriated! I can practically feel my blood boil inside of me. He hacked in and stole my movie files for revenge. This could not get any worse.

I pushed all of this out of my mind, so I can go to breakfast. I looked around for my cast, but couldn't find them in a big sea of people. Luckily, y/n came up to me and showed me to the tables.

"Hey. We were wondering what was keeping you. Get something to eat. We have to get off soon." she said to me.

I got myself breakfast and sat down next to Blake.

"Wes, what took you so long?" Kaya asked.

I couldn't hold this inside of me anymore. They need to know.

"Guys, I'm sorry, but all of the Death Cure files have been hacked and were stolen." I admitted.

Chaos exploded between them.

"Who would do something like that to us?" Jacob asked me.

"My college enemy, Dale. He emailed me shortly after I talked with Dan. He admitted that he hacked in and stole everything. I'm gonna do my best to get everything back, but I don't know what he wants or how long it'll take." I promised.

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