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When you and Thomas got to the hotel, you recognized some familiar faces at the check-in counter. It was Dylan, Kaya, and Wes.

"Hey guys." Thomas said.

Dylan and Kaya walked over to you guys, but Wes stayed put at the counter. Dylan and Thomas gave each other a bro hug, and you and Kaya hugged each other. Then, Wes came over to the reunion.

"Hey guys. Sorry, I was checking us in. How are you two doing?" he said.

"We're good." you answered.

All five of you went up to your rooms.

"Hey Thomas. Where's everyone else?" you asked, while unpacking.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Where's everyone else? Like Ki Hong, Dexter, Rosa, Will?" you asked again.

"Oh. They couldn't make it. When actors have overseas premieres or events, it's limited to only a few people." Thomas explained.

"Oh." you said sounding disappointed, while sitting on the bed.

He sat down next to you.

"It's alright, love. We'll see them at the premiere in the US. Wes told me that it's gonna be in y/state/n." Thomas said.

"Really? You're kidding, right?" you questioned.

"No, I'm not. That's a bonus. We'll all be in the same location as the wedding, so we have plenty of time to plan for the big day." Thomas said.

"Good point." you said.

There was a knock at the door. You opened it and Dylan stood on the other side.

"Hey. We're going sightseeing. Wanna come?" he said.

"Thanks." Thomas said.

The two of you grabbed your phones and sunglasses. Then, the three of you went down to the lobby. Wes and Kaya were waiting by the door.

"You guys are gonna love what I have planned." Wes said.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"A cruise ride on the Seine River." Wes said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." you said.

With that, all five of you left the hotel. Since the river wasn't far, you guys walked. You couldn't help but take pictures of your surroundings. You can only imagine how many pictures and videos you have taken ever since this journey started.

You guys walked across the bridge that took you towards the ship's dock. There was a man sitting on a bench, reading a book.

"Excuse me. Is this where we go for the river ride." Wes said to the man.

"That way." he pointed out with his French accent.

You all boarded the ship and it moved away from the dock. You guys were cruising down the river. The ride was so smooth and your eyes were everywhere.


The captain docked the ship by a little restaurant/bakery, so that all the passengers could get something to eat. Then, it took everyone back to the dock.

"Well, it's about time to start getting ready for the premiere. It's about 4:30pm." Wes said, checking his phone.

With that, you guys walked back to the hotel. You and Thomas took turns getting ready. You curled your hair and applied some blush to your face. You know that you're gonna cry during the movie, so you didn't put any makeup on your eyes. You put on Ava's dress and admired yourself in the mirror. You walked out of the bathroom.

Thomas was looking in a mirror app on his phone. He was straightening his bow tie and fixing his hair. Then, he turned around.

"What do you think?" you asked, then twirled around in a circle.

"Love, you look beautiful." Thomas said.

You two linked arms, then waited in the lobby for Dylan, Kaya, and Wes.

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