The A Team

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"The good-lookin' fellow there with the horns, that's Burg. This may surprise you, but he's our muscle." Ran explains as we walk up towards the crew.

Burg drops a large crate at our feet and grunts. "So, this is a Mandalorian. I thought they'd be bigger."

"Droid's name is Zero."

I look around and county noticing Ran only has 3 on his team. "Ran, I thought you said four?" Ran opens his mouth to speak, but closes it and smirks at me. "Yeah. I did say that."

A light tap on my shoulder causes me to turn around. I gasp seeing Xi'an. She smiles running her blade over my jawline giggling madly. "Look at you." She drags the blade under my chin slowly. "All. Grown. Up." She presses hard making me throw her arm down and lock her arms behind her back. "You want to play? We can play." I growl at her.

"Xi'an." Mando says looking at her. She giggles looking at him. "Hey, Mando."

"Alright, come on, Aria. We know you two have unfinished business, but can't you wait?" I huff standing up and allowing her to rise again.

She waltzes towards Mando and pounces at him with her danger, but he lingers unmoving. "Tell me why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand?"

"Nice to see you, too."

She giggles leaning into his frame and sighs, "I missed you."

Am I missing something?

"This is shiny. You wear it well." She trails her knife up his chest plate, and even worse, Din doesn't do anything.

"Do we need to leave the room or something?" Mayfeld asks. "Yeah, Mando. Should we leave?" Din tilts his head at me and I push an innocent smile towards him.

"Well, Xi'an's been a little heartbroken since Mando left our group. Maybe she should be informed on this little partnership, huh, Aria?" I glare at Ran crossing my arms.

Xi'an backs away from Mando with her eyes burning into mine. "Aw. Poor Aria. Are you going to be okay? I promise not to leave marks." I lunge at her but Burg grabs the collar of my shirt lifting me. "Hey!" I swing my legs demanding to get down, but all they do is laugh. "Alright, this is enough!" I extend my saber and poke Burg in the foot causing him to drop me gasping in pain.

"You try that again, and the whole leg comes off!" I growl glaring at him.  Ran pats my shoulder. "Good to have you back, Aria." I huff throwing his hand off my shoulder and walking onto the ship.

I walk up to the child and pick him up finding a hiding place. "If that purple headed freak finds you. Bite her. Hard." He giggles and grabs at my shirt.

As I close the compartment I see Din make his way towards me. "Kid in there?" I nod walking past him. "What's wrong with you?"

I slam the little things I have gathered in my arms on the metal table. "I don't like it here." Din walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "You think I do? We just need the money."

"You seemed pretty pleased to see Xi'an." Mando turns me around to face him and stares at me. "What?" "Did you just hear yourself?" "You smiled." "You can't see my face, Aria." "I heard it. In your voice."

He huffs letting his arms fall and leans against the wall crossing his arms. "Go on." I scoff throwing my arms up. "Go on what?" "Ask me what you want to ask."

I shake my head frustration fueling my blood. "I don't think I want to know the answer."

"I didn't ask any questions when we met Toro." I scoff laughing. "This is completely different. She tried to kill me in the past and now I've found out that she's also kissed-" "She never kissed me, Aria. You've been the only one."

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