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"Get her!" Stormtroopers race after the small girl as she runs through the halls of the ship. "Moff! She's disappeared! So has that lousy pilot and Wookie!" "Find them! We can't let him destroy everything. She's the key. Find her. NOW!" He roars through the system.

As the troopers track their living weapon, a fresh-faced Han Solo is running to his ship with his best friend and a tiny new addition to the team. A small child that was bruised, cut, and burned, hidden away in a large satchel on Chewie's side.

Flying away Han looks over the small child. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" She shakes her head covering her eyes. "My head hurts." She whines crying. Han cleans the small child of the dried blood and smiles at her making funny faces. "Hey, kid, you're safe now. We're not going to let anything happen to you. Now, what's your name?"

She gazes at her protectors with glee. "Aria Dooku."


"Solo!" Aria giggles as she hangs onto Han's leg as he sorts through a haul of the newly smuggled goods. He huffs picking up the small girl in his arms. "What is it, kid?" She giggles again, pinching his nose. "Ah! Ow!"

He smiles at the little laughter that fills the ship. He nods, setting her on the table beside the junk. "You're not too bad, kid."

She points her small finger at him, "You too, Solo." Han shakes his head staring at the little girl. "Call me Han." She nods messing with the junk. "Okay, Han."


Aria was about 12 when her talents poured through. She would be an amazing Jedi if trained properly. "Han! Look!" She floats a cookie in the air floating it over to Chewie. He reaches for it, but Aria moves it away causing Chewie to growl. Aria giggles and allows him to have it. "Alright, all right, don't whine, fur ball!"

Han nods at his little sister, "You're getting good." She shuffles her feet with a small smile. "You think I could be trained? It's hard learning all this on my own."

Han gazes at her with sadness. He wishes he could take her to a Jedi temple and have her excel with the unknowing talents resting upon her, but they would truly find out she was decent of Count Dooku. They would take her back and kill him and Chewie.

"We don't even know what's going on, Aria. Let's just stick to what we know." She nods sadly, twirling the small white crystal upon her necklace she's had since birth.


I pull Han out of the pit laughing as I roll over with him covered in mud. "Uh, this was such a bad idea, Han." He nods, "Definitely. First thing you should know about being a Solo.  When you're in trouble, you always can find a way out. Remember that. Might save your life one day." I roll my eyes as I help him stand up.


Aria sits in her room of the ship welding a makeshift saber of her own. She reads over the material word by word crafting a weapon like no other. She removes her necklace and stares into it. Narrowing her eyes she flips the pages in her many books finding the right section.

"A Relic withholding the devastation and horror of death. Be warned this crystal may be held by surrounding enlightenment, but profound cryptic terrors of screeches will exist eternally once it is practiced."  Aria bites her lip sticking the crystal into the base.

She arranges the top into position and presses the operations of the device. A gleaming white beam protrudes from the silver platform, lighting the room completely. Aria gasps at herself with achievement, "I did it."

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