Love is True

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I stumble down the red halls fighting violent urges. I throw myself against the wall feeling a burning sensation run within my blood.

I see a silver shadow move in an instant coming closer. "Din." I breathe weakly. "Aria. What did they do?" I grasp onto his chest plate gasping. "r-run. Now!"


"R-run. Now!" Aria screams and gasps. She stands up holding her arm against the wall. "Aria, we have to go." She looks up at me and growls with glowing eyes. White fire eyes matching her deadly weapon. She swings at me making me slide under the blade and retaliate swiping her legs and pinning her to the ground. "STOP!"

She rolls me over bringing the saber over her head. "Aria, you need to stop." Her arms shake and tears flow from her eyes.

"Aria, stop." The blade comes closer to my head.

I look into her eyes and groan. "I love you." I groan out pushing her arms. She looks down at me with heavy eyes. I push her hands away, taking her weapon, and pulling her close to me. She cries shaking her head. She looks up at me with her regular soft eyes. "Din?" I nod resting my hand on her cheek. "We need to go, Aria. Now."

She stumbles weakly next to me. "I need to get Xi'an." "She's already taken care of." She hums and falls causing me to pick her up and hoist her over my shoulder. "What happened to you?"

"Xi'an...took my capsules. Broke them all and used them on me. I-I can't make it, Mando. It's too much." I hold her tight shaking my head. "Hold on for me, Aria. Just hold on."

I run with Aria in my arms towards the ship as Qin just starts to climb the latter. Qin drops his head. "You killed the others."

"They got what they deserved."

Aria twists in my arms groaning. She looks at Qin and smirks. "I hate your sister."

He hums and pulls out his blaster, but Aria is too fast. She pulled her blaster out seconds before Qin.

"You kill me, you don't get your money. Whatever Ran promised, I'll make sure you get it, and more. Come on, Mando. Be reasonable. Huh? You were hired to do a job right? So do it. Isn't that your code? Aren't you a man of honor?"


I open my eyes holding my head. "Look who's up." I look to my right and see Din holding the child. The armor is off and laying neatly on the table. I sigh trying to sit up but fall back holding my head. "I tried to flush your system, but the chemicals are unknown." I nod coughing. "That amount should've killed me." I stare at the ceiling with hundreds of questions.

"How'd you stop me?"

Din looks up walking closer. "I calmed you down." He places the child in my lap and helps me sit up.


Din stops and stares at me. He places his bare hands on mine holding them close. "You know." I smile letting my head fall on his.

"I want you to say it."

"Aria Solo, the moment you ran into me I knew you were the most exquisite creation in the galaxy. I had to choose if I was going to let you go or if I would save you. I ended making the right choice. In this time you've proven me wrong about a lot. You've taught me so many things I never thought were real." Din places his hand on my waist pulling me towards him. "You saved me, Aria Solo, and for that, I owe you this."

Din places his hand on the rim of his helmet, slowly lifting it inch by inch. He reveals his deep brown eyes, dark rich hair that fell over his head messily. A small mustache covering his top lip rises as he lets out a breath and tugs his lip up into a nervous smile.

"Aria?" His voice like honey without the moderator in the armor. I lock my eyes with him and cover my mouth as my smile grows wide. Tears prick in the corner of my eyes as I look over my Mandalorian.

I place my hands on his cheeks feeling overjoyed. "You're so handsome, Din." I press my head to his looking deeper into his eyes.

Din lets out a sigh and locks his arms around me, pulling me against him tightly. I laugh holding him and running my fingers through his hair.

"I love you, Aria." Din pulls away holding my cheeks. "Stars, I love you so much." The child coos from my lap looking up at Din and tilting his head. "Hey, little guy." Din picks him up and the child grabs Din's nose laughing.

I look up at the two smiling widely. I lean into Din's arms again patting my child's head. "I love you too, Din. I love our family."

He kisses my head humming. "I do too, Aria."

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