Chapter 45

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Sia - deer caught in the headlights

But I can't move until I choose
I need a crystal ball
I'm falling apart
And I can't take anymore
Standing at the crossroads
There's no right answer

Evernly Miller

My life is a complete joke. I use to think that it is a tragedy but no I stand corrected. Turns out my life is a joke. I never chose to be here. I never asked for any of this but somehow I always end up right here. In the eye of a storm.

How can so much chaos happen in one day? How can my life crumble on just a day? Oh how I wish someone could explain this to me. Is everyone's life so screwed up or is it just mine.

It's like looking in a future mirror. She looks exactly like me. Or I look exactly like her. Details don't matter right now because I feel like my brain is about to blow up.

How could she be my mother?

The right way to tell a story is to start it from the beginning right? But i don't know the beginning. I dont know when this all started but I know I'm about to go into shock right now. I just ran from another problem to another bombshell. How ironic, right?

Let me start from the beginning. Or at least what I think is the beginning. Getting pregnant was never part of my plan. But hey, when has anything ever went according to my plan. A mother denied me. Abused me. Then raped. That's the story of my life.

Why am I so upset? No, I'm not upset. I'm frustrated, I'm pissed. But why you ask? Let me tell you. In fact let me take you to two hours ago. I wished I never hopped on Mason's car.

2 hours earlier.

Mason has been driving for three minutes now. I keep looking behind to see if we're being followed. I'm pretty sure I look like a deranged person. I'm not sure if am not deranged at this point.

"Are we all gonna pretend that didn't just happen." I snap my eyes to Mason who just hit the breaks. "It did happen right?"

Poor Mason looks confused as he'll and I'm in no mood to explain myself right now.

"Okay, Eve. Please explain to us why are you like that." Zac calmly says. His calm persona reminds me of Linkin's and Sage's.

As he says that I catch a glimpse of myself in the review mirror. And to say I look horrible would be a big understatement. My hair is sticking in every direction. My eyes are swollen and red. I have dried tears down my cheeks.

Oh yeah! I look like a ray of sunshine.

I take that moment to look at my outfit. To add at being barefoot. I'm wearing pyjama shorts and a tank top. Don't judge I didn't foresee myself running down the street. I didn't even plan on leaving Alora's room.

"Uh-um." I stutter. How do I explain my deranged behavior.

"I mean I've seen people going crazy." Mason start again. "Are you going crazy. Do you hear voices in your head?"

"No." I say a little bit defensive.

"So what is it?" Mason rushes out.

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