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The rest of the camp passed in a blur of more challenges.

Roguefort and Almond were almost always together, sharing secrets and working together. The others in the Blackberry team saw how close they were and didn't object.

It was the last day of camp. Everyone had gotten closer over the past few days, most obviously Roguefort and Almond, basically brothers after all the stuff that happened.

The Blackberry team had just woken up, ready for their final challenge before finally heading home. While Pilot and Buttercream Choco were ecstatic to return home, Roguefort and Almond definitely weren't ready to return to the harsh reality of the outside world.

"Hey, why don't we exchange our phone numbers so we can keep in touch, maybe hang out someday?" Prophet suggested.

The group all agreed and Salt created a message group titled "Blackberry Team", adding all the other Cookie's telephone numbers. Roguefort and Almond were careful about setting their contacts for each other, as they didn't want their families to find out about the bond between them.

"Oh, Buttercream Choco, can Roguefort and I come to your house one day to take a look at that ancient book you mentioned before? The one that our parents dropped?" Almond asked.

"Sure, why not this Sunday? I'm free and my mother can show you the book. You two can come over, just at different times, but one can come first, stay, and the other a bit later to avoid suspicion."

"That's genius. I'll just tell my parents I'm heading out with friends."

"Okay, everyone's in the group, right? Now, try sending a message." Salt instructed.

"Guys..? It's 7:50, we have to get to the cafeteria at 8!"

"Let's go then!"

All the Cookies rushed out of their room, carrying all that they needed. Roguefort ended up last, switching off the lights and closing the door.

"I guess time doesn't wait for souls like us." he murmured to himself before dashing off to join the others at the cafeteria.


"Cookies! You all have grown from the first day we've met to your last day here at the Cookie Camp. You've learnt how to build a tent, how to hunt for food, and most importantly, you've built bonds with your teammates that I'm sure wouldn't have formed if you didn't come here."

After a tasty meal prepared by the two instructors, the Cookies were sitting in the hall in neat rows, similar to when they first came here. They were, obviously, different than when they first came; everyone had learnt skills, grown in various ways, and had experiences they would never forget.

I mean, how often would you be able to farm vegetables when you live in the city? Unless you were a vegetable Cookie like Spinach, Carrot or Beet, you would have almost no chance to try farming.

"So today, we have a special challenge for you all."

All the Cookies were paying close attention to what the instructor would say.

"The challenge is simple - we want you to treasure your last day here. Starting from 9 am, which is when you will be released, all of the campus's facilities will be available to use. You can venture into the forest once again, go for a swim in the ocean, or just play basketball in the playground. The only places you aren't allowed to go are the others' dorms and our rooms."

A bunch of "ooh"s fills the room.

"I wonder what other places we haven't discovered in these few days, this place is huge," Roguefort whispered to Almond.

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