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Hello, I know this may seem strange.

I'm not here to say that I am not going to be writing anymore. There is a re-write in the works, it is just taking its sweet time with the writer's blocks I got during the exams, tests and medical trips. My love for writing is still present and has grown if anything else.

During these few years, I have gone from one story to forty books, one with over forty stories within it.

There are plenty in the works and more swimming around in the pool of my head - although anything a reader would like is gladly welcomed, it is where I started after all.

There is a reason as to why I am sending this message out to all of you - sorry to anyone who thought that this was another chapter/update to this story.

I would like to ask as to whether there are any parts that any of you want to be removed or changed during the re-write?

This story is as much yours as it is mine. This is my first fanfiction and was also helped along by my readers - you guys - through comments, votes and more.

If there are any parts that you would like to be added, then please tell me? I will look over any comment and see into each of them.
Even if these parts wanted are just a sentence or even a single word. - One reader even has their own word placed into this story. -

And even if you just want to chat? Then I am up to that, it can be linked to this or not. Any comments on any of my stories or any PM's get my complete attention. I aim to answer every one of them within a week although this is often done within the day.

That is all for now, dragonets, I bid you a good day, good night and any other time you may be reading this.

Glorybringer a Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now