it's a date

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I got into the car, watched Hector walk away, and called Lisa, before I started the car. Plugging her in, so I could talk to her while driving – both hands on the steering wheel – I slowly backed out of the parking space.

"Hey girl," Lisa's cheerful voice welcomed me.

I smiled. "Hey girl," I said and looked careful to both sides before leaving the parking lot. "So, the guy in the supermarket?"


"I met him again, and we're doing coffee this Saturday." There, I'd said it.

Lisa squealed in excitement. "Who asked?"

"I asked him," I admitted. That confident feeling from the dream? I longed to feel that again, so I'd tried. I was embarrassed, it just blurted out of me.

"That is amazing!" Lisa said. "Like, oh my God!"

I smiled and stopped for red.

"Why not any time during the week?"

"Because I'm still beat after work, and I don't want to let him see me super tired and annoyed for lack of sleep," I said. "Or too much work." I put the car in gear and turned left.

"But this is... I'm excited!" Lisa said. "Tell me about him!"

"I know nothing about him," I said. "His name is Hector, that's it."

"Where are you meeting?"

I mentioned the place, and she gave me a speech on the amazing green tea they had. She'd recently found it, and I'd been off duty, because I couldn't walk far. Or was comfortable driving. I wanted to drive myself, before I wanted anyone else to drive me.

When I arrived back at the apartment, yes it took me twice to carry the groceries to the flat, I was still chatting with Lisa. We talked about Daniel, and then her job. And my job.

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