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Sadly, this book is coming to an end. I have no ideas nor do I have motivation anymore to keep this book up.

It was fun writing and seeing all the comments and watching this book grow from a stupid idea in my head, to an actual book people enjoy.

But I will be ending it and probably deleting it soon. Sorry.


No way in hell am I ending this book anytime soon, and never in a million years will I be deleting it!

I am losing some time to write though. Despite the Chrono-virus, school is tight and family is tight so it might be weeks and possibly months in between chapter postings. But I promise I'll try my best.

Writing is also very hard. Maintaining books, and the filler chapters in between one major event to another are long and feel very dragging.

But don't worry, this book is still going, and yes I am sadly not dead yet.

Stay healthy, wash your hands, and don't socialize!

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