Chapter 2: Because our Opposites Attract us

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"Two people of similar nature can never get along, it takes two opposites to harmonize." -Ram Mohan


"BUMMER. Your tutorials are much easier than your work in the convenience store," Lisa said as they are heading towards the gates. Another day in the university was finished. Only the two of them are together now since their other friends still have their classes.

"Well the tutorial sessions ended already. I don't know if they'll reopen but if they will, I'll get back there," Jisoo laughed before they bid their goodbyes and separated ways.

She dropped by quickly in her house to change and fix her things. She also grabbed her lunch before taking the walk to her work. She decided to not use her bicycle since it wasn't that far from where she is living.

Soon enough, she reached the store. Just when Jisoo is about to enter the door, a guy in a hoodie grabs the handle then goes in first, completely ignoring her presence.

Jisoo blinked a few times while looking at the door entrance that closed with the clanking sound of the chime.

He's familiar, she thought.

Nonetheless, she followed inside and silently went to the counter. She grabbed her apron there. She's the only employee of the store because it is just a small place. She and the owner are just taking places in manning the shop.

She was arranging something in the cashier when suddenly, someone placed a cup of noodles loudly on the counter, making her flinch and look up at the guy. Her eyes widened.

It's Taehyung.

He has a cut on his lips and a wound at the side of his cheek, he didn't even bother to put a bandaid on it. Although he has a gauze on his forehead and obviously, it looks like he had a fresh wound as she can see that it is still bleeding under the cover.

"Hey," his deep voice brought her back to reality, "Aren't you supposed to scan this shit?" he asked, raising his brow at her, irritated.

"O-oh. Sorry," she smiled sheepishly. Deep inside, she kind of panicked-which she didn't know why, as she took the cup from his hand. Jisoo couldn't help but notice the bandage in his hand too, wondering where he got that.

It's been two days since he got suspended so she hasn't really heard about him for a while. She just started her part-time job the other day, that's why she's not sure whether he is a regular customer or not.

"Uh, will you eat this here or should I still put this in a plastic-" Taehyung cut her off as he grabbed the cup back and placed his money on the counter.

"Don't bother," he said and quickly turned his back to her before walking away.

"Hey! You still have a change-" Taehyung did not spare her a glance as he continued storming out of the store, closing the door again with force.

Jisoo was stunned with what just happened. Her curiosity started striking up again. She heard of his fight with Jinyoung but she is sure that those injuries are new. It's like he was involved in another tussle. She wanted to ask him out of concern but she didn't have a chance to.

"Oh Jisoo, you're already here?" the store owner, Youngbae, came out of the stock room.

"Ah yes sir, I just arrived," she said and smiled.

"Okay. I'll be leaving the shop to you now," he said while locking the stock room and walking past her to get out of the counter.

"Yes sir," she smiled as he left. Jisoo sat down as there were no other customers around. Her mind wandered thinking about her classmate, Taehyung.

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