Baking I Logicality

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"Logannnnnn please bake with me!"

"Patton, you know I love you but I'm reading"

Here's the situation: Logan was reading a book and his boyfriend Patton barged in. Patton and Logan have been dating for a month now and Logan has never been happier in his life.

"But I want to bake something..."


Logan looked at Patton who is giving him baby-doll eyes. Whenever Patton gives Logan his baby-doll eyes he tries to resist but in the end, he can't fight back and gives in to Patton's eyes.

"Patton please, don't give me your baby-doll eyes"

"But Logan..."

"Get Virgil to do it"

"He's with Princey"

"Then why don't you get Thomas?"

"He's with Joan"

"Well make them yourself!"

"But I don't want to do it aloneeeee"

"But I'm reading"

Patton brings his baby-doll eyes out again. Logan sighs and puts down his book.

"Fine, I'll bake with you"


Patton suddenly gives Logan a hug, squeezing him tightly. Logan kisses Patton's forehead.

"I get it, you're adorable"

"Awww thanks, Lo"

"No problem Pat. Let's go bake whatever you want to"

Patton releases Logan and grabs his hand. He pulls Logan to the kitchen with all the ingredients on the table.


"alright. Let's do this"

Logan grabs a bowl and put it on the island. Patton grabs the ingredients they need for the dough.

"so I need some flour"

"Flour coming up!"

Logan realized what he just has done and before he could duck a huge thing of flour was thrown at his face.


"Oops! I was aiming for the bowl"

"Sure you were"

Logan grabbed some flour and threw it at Patton.


"Yeah, it isn't so good is it?"

Patton grabbed an egg and hit the top of Logan's head with it.

"What is wrong with my boyfriend?"

"Awe you look so adorable"

"I despise you a lot now"

"I know you love meeeeeeeeeeee"

Logan rolls his eyes and smiles at Patton.

"Yeah I love you"

"I love you to Lo"

Logan walked towards Patton, sneakily grabbing an egg. He opened his arms up and Patton ran into them, wrapping his arms around Logan. With Patton in his arms, Logan takes the egg and cracks the egg on top of Patton's head. Patton squealed in surprise and Logan smirked to himself.

"Karma is a bitch"

"Hey! Strong language"

"My apologies Patton"

Patton removes the egg yolk on the top of his head and places it in the compost and Logan does the same. The next 15 minutes is hard working to make the cookie dough. When the cookie dough is in the oven Patton and Logan high-five each other.

"well that was a fun process"

"Yup! I loved it"

"well you're the one who started it"

Patton then threw another handful of flour at Logan. Logan, taken by surprise falls down and almost bangs his head on the counter. Patton gasped and ran over to Logan but Logan took as much flour off the floor as he could and threw it at Patton. Patton fell over and they both started laughing. Virgil and Roman walk in.

"We're back-"

"What in god's name happened here"

"I think it's best we leave them alone"

"Good idea Virge"

Virgil and Roman left the room and Logan and Patton started laughing even more. When the cookies were done Logan took them out of the oven, still laughing. He put them on a plate and put the plate on the table.

"ROMAN! VIRGIL! Cookies are done"

Patton and Logan slowed their laughter when Roman and Virgil walked it.

"So what the hell happened here"


"I'll answer that question, Virgil. We made cookies"

"No shit Sherlock-"

"I'm Logan"

"No duh but why is the kitchen a mess?"

"Food fight"

"You two are adorable"

"Shut up Roman"

Everyone took two cookies and ate them. After a while, Virgil and Roman left Patton and Logan to clean the kitchen.

"That was fun Patton, thank you for making me bake cookies with you"

"Awh well Shucks! I didn't know you had fun"

"Well I did"

"I'm glad"

they continued to clean the kitchen and when it was finished Logan and Patton went to Logan's room to watch a TV show, Our Planet(only on Netflix) to be exact. When they arrived Logan sat on the couch with Patton in his lap.

"I can't believe we've been together for a month now"

"Well Pat you have to believe it because it is real"

"I'm glad it's real"

"I am too"

Logan kisses Patton's cheek and they watch their show.

A/N Well this one isn't as good as Isolated but I like it

Word Count: 774

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