Just Talk I Virmile

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This was requested by Mermaidtale25 I got an idea for the plot but it's going to be shi-
Also also sorry for all the Emile recently. I just really like our cartoon addict

Virgil sighed and put his head into his hands. He was calming down from yet another panic attack. For some reason he's been having panic attacks from out of the blue and it's been driving him mad. He's thought about getting a therapist but his anxiety likes to always crush that thought. Maybe it's about time to get a therapist.

Neglecting what his anxiety was telling him Virgil pulled his laptop out and began looking for some therapists. His roommate Logan has given him a few so Virgil would start there. He opened up his emails and began looking for the list of therapists Logan sent him. Once he found the email buried in hundreds of Hot Topic and other emo stuff he opened it and began looking at the therapists.

Most of them either looked like they would not very easy to talk to or looked like they had too much energy. Virgil was already drained from his lack of sleep so he would not be able to deal with someone who had high energy. After a while he got to the end of the list. He clicked on the website and saw the Therapist's name was Doctor Emile Picani. Virgil thought he looked pretty chill. Once again neglecting what his anxiety was telling him he booked a session that would take place next week.

One week later~
After a full week of stressing out about his therapy appointment the day has finally come around. Virgil got out of bed and did his usual morning routine. Get dressed, brush teeth, put makeup on, leave. He didn't eat breakfast since it was a waste of time to him even though it's the most important meal of the day.

Virgil walked out and got into his car. He handed and turned the car on. Before he left he put on his playlist to wake him up. Once the music started playing he pulled out of the driveway and drove to the therapy place.

Once Virgil arrived~
Virgil pulled into the parking lot and found a parking space. He turned the car off and took a deep breath. He undid his seatbelt and got out of his car, walking into the building. Once he walked in his anxiety decided to go through the roof. He suddenly got more anxious somehow and started regretting booking his session. Virgil pulled his hood over his head and sat down.

Around five minutes later a woman walked out and called Virgil's name. Virgil stood up and walked to her.

"Right this way"

Virgil nodded and followed her to a room that was filled with a lot of cartoon items from Disney to Steven's Universe. Virgil admires the room but was worried that this therapist would have too much energy. Oh well it's too late to dip now.

Virgil waited anxiously and after around ten minutes Doctor Emile Picani walked in.

"A new patient! Do you how do?"
"Uh... I'm okay?"
"My name is Doctor Picani and you are?"
"Virgil... anxie..."
"Nice to Meet you Virgil!"

Virgil smiled slightly and shrunk back in his hoodie. Emile saw and sat down.

"So what brings you in today?"
"W-well... I've b-been looking f-for a t-therapist for a w-while..."
"Ah! Well I'm a therapist alright! I have my degree up on my wall!"

Emile pointed at his wall where there was a framed degree up on the wall. Virgil smiled and looked back down. Emile could tell Virgil sufferer with anxiety so he would take a softer approach.

"Look I'll put my pad of paper away," Emile said as he put his paper to the side and looked at straight at Virgil. Not up, not down but straight at Virgil.

"It's only us. Just talk. Let your thoughts spill out"
"S-so where d-do I start?"

Emile gave Virgil a small smile which made Virgil calm down a small bit. Virgil took a deep breath and looked at Emile.

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