Opposites Attract I Prinxiety

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TW: Swearing
I know I'm doing another Prinxiety but this is my fav ship out of them all

it was a normal day and Roman was cuddled up on his bed with his boyfriend Virgil. Roman was watching Disney movies whilst Virgil scrolled through Tumblr occasionally showing Roman a post that made him chuckle.

"Come on Virge! Turn off your phone and let's watch the Nightmare Before Christmas!"
"Come onnnnnn"

Roman brought out the baby-doll eyes and even though Virgil may act tough he still has a sweet spot.

"You're a dork"
"Oi! don't go picking up my brother's mannerisms!"
"You do know I hate your brother"
"You make that pretty apparent."

Roman understands why his boyfriend hates his brother. They had a bad history together. One of the downsides of having Virgil as his boyfriend is that he hates his brother. Yeah sure Remus can act weird but at the end of the day, Remus is still family to Roman.

"Look, I know you don't like Remus but he is my brother"
"He's also an asshole"
"Let's talk about this another time"
"How about no?"
"Virgil, it's starting to hurt with the fact you don't like my only family"
"Well maybe Remus shouldn't have been so rude to me"
"It's in the past! Let it go!"
"Are you seriously siding with your brother that hurt me badly?!"
"Are you seriously so close-minded that everything said by someone you don't like is automatically bad?"

Virgil stood up and walked quickly to his room. Roman felt horrible about what he did. Before he could do anything Remus showed up.

"What the hell do you want?"
"It's nice to know you don't hate me"
"No, I hate you. Even though you are family I hate you quite a bit"
"Then why did you say those things to your boyfriend"
"I just want you two to get along!"
"that's not going to happen"
"Well Virgil always comes first"
"It isn't my fault he left the dark sides"
"But it is your fault he doesn't like you"
"It's also Deceit's!"
"Well I don't see Deceit here"

While Remus and Roman are fighting Virgil tries to listen from his room but he only gets snippets of the conversation. Virgil loves Roman but he absolutely despises Remus. Virgil didn't have any family so he doesn't know what it feels like. Sure, Virgil considers Patton family but he isn't like Roman and Remus. Tired of listening to his boyfriend and his brother fight, he heads up to his room. Roman and Remus kept on fighting until Thomas summoned Roman.

"I still can't believe you- Oh Thomas..."
"Hey Roman...? What was that about"
"Nothing. So what can I do for you?"
"Well Logan and Patton were trying to find a way to a way for me to stick to my schedule but when I tried to summon Virgil he didn't come so I called on you"

Roman really didn't want to have any part in this. If Virgil didn't come something is wrong. He's also worried that since he left Remus in the mind palace Remus may go to Virgil's room to annoy him.

"Oh, I'm just stuck in my thoughts"
"What's wrong Roman"
"It's something I don't want to talk about. I don't want to summon him"
"Oh, Re-"
"ah, I understand"
"To be honest Thomas, I can't think clearly right now. May I give my input another time?"
"Oh course"
"Thank you, Thomas"

Roman sunk back down into the mind palace to see Remus just sitting on the couch. Roman walked past Remus but of course, it wasn't that easy.

"So, looks like you couldn't help Thomas"
"Yeah, because of you"
"I did nothing"
"shut up and leave me alone"

Surprisingly Remus sunk down into the ground to go where ever the dark sides go when they aren't in the mind palace. Roman walked up to Virgil's room and knocked on the door.

"Virgil? Can you please open the door?"
"No," was said on the other side but it was muffled. Roman knocked again.
"Virge, I just want to talk"
"I don't want to"
"I'm not leaving until you open this door"
"You may be persistent but I'm stubborn"
"I'll wait here until you open the door. I don't care if it's 10 minutes or 10 years."
"I'm not worth it, go away"

Roman rolled his eyes and stood up from the floor.

"Open the door or I'll kick it down"

Virgil not wanting to put his door back up opened the door.

"You got what you wanted."
"Thank you"
"What is it?"
"I want to talk"
"About what?"
"I'm sorry for what I said and-"
"Sorry doesn't change the past. Hate to break it to you"
"Why are you making this so difficult?"
"You know I'm stubborn."
"I know you are but that's one of the reasons why I love you"
"Sure it is"
"It is!"
"Why? You used to hate it when I was stubborn"
"I guess opposites attract"

Roman held out his arms and Virgil ran into them. Feeling Roman's embrace made Virgil feel at ease.

"Yeah, I guess they do...."

A/N this isn't my best but I kinda like it

word count: 800

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