Teasing I Prinxiety

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TW: Swearing- well there's almost swearing in all of them xD
Finally something without Logan in it. Don't get me wrong I love Logan but I've been doing him quite a lot recently. I also love Prinxiety so I have to do them again.

Roman and Virgil were pretty close. Sure they called each other names but Thomas made them make up and now they are great friends. Their friendship had a rocky start but they are now basically best friends.

"Hey Virgil"
"Sup Princey"
"Want to do something?"
"Roman. It's 2:30 am."
"You need to sleep"
"You do too!"
"I don't. I can deal with it"
"Don't give me that!"

Virgil put down his phone and looked at the prince in front of him. He sighed and stood up.

"I will get Patton if you don't go to sleep"
"Yeah and then he will nag you to sleep as well"

He didn't think about that. Patton always wants the best for Virgil and when he doesn't sleep that makes Patton a bit mad.

"What do you want to do?"
"I don't know"
"Then why did you come?!"
"I want to do something"
"Conjure some puppies or something"
"I want human interaction"
"There's this thing called the internet. Talk to someone on there"
"I wanted to talk to you..."
"Well it's kind of hard to explain"
"Don't give me that shit. I'm not stupid"

Roman chuckled and walked over to Virgil's bed.

"Can I sit down?"
"Yeah I don't care"

Roman sat on Virgil's bed and Virgil went back to scrolling Tumblr(honestly same). Roman sighed and took Virgil's phone away from him.

"Give me my phone back"
"Uh Not happening"
"God I hate you sometimes"
"What will you do if I don't?"
"I can summon Remus but I dunno..."
"Look, I want to talk"
"Alright... what do you want to talk about Roman"

Roman scoots closer to Virgil. Even though they have been good friends for a couple of weeks Virgil has already started to gain feelings for the prince. For Virgil, he was the perfect side. He was super handsome(even though they had the same face) and he was super loveable. His outfit was super beautiful and it complimented his beautiful structure.

Virgil didn't realize he was staring at Roman until he chuckled.

"what are you staring at?"

Virgil looked away blushing. Even in the low light Roman could see Virgil's red face. Roman subconsciously wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist which makes Virgil's face go even brighter.

"Hey, Virgil?"

Virgil turned around and cuddled with Roman.

"haha! Awwwwww! Someone is affectionate emo"
"Shut up or I'll stop"
"Fine but I have never seen this side of you"
"Because I never show it"
"I like this side"
"It's never coming out again"

Roman frowns but tightens his grip around the dark one. Luckily Virgil's face was hidden in Roman's chest so he couldn't see how red his face was. They both loved to be together whenever they could but Roman has always wanted to hold Virgil in his arms at 2:45 am.

"I love you, Virgil..."
"Wait what?"

Wait, he said that out loud? Roman started to panic and released Virgil.

"I'm sorry-"

Roman looks back at Virgil.

"Look Roman... I know you didn't mean to say that. It's meant for someone else and I know that"
"It was meant for you"
"Wait... now I'm more confused. Why was it meant for me?"
"Because I love you"
"y-y-you do?"
"yes, I do. Don't panic"
"I am panicking"
"I am panicking because I love you"

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