Fate I Prinxiety

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TW: Swearing- I Swear in most of my chapters get over it xD
I've been meaning to do this for a while but thanks to Im1A1Weeb1lol gave me the idea to do a SOULMATE AU chapter so thanks older sis! Go follow her!
Also, the artist who has done the art for Never Too Early To Fall In Love part two I Logince and Falling I Royality (@justasecbro on Instagram and @secondus on Tumblr) has some really good fanart so go check them out!
This will also be a VERY long chapter since I don't want to make a two parter again
Anyways I do a shit ton of Prinxiety yada yada we get it LETS MOVE ON-

Virgil never knew what the crown on his wrist meant. It had been there for as long as he could remember. As he was a shy kid he didn't really talk to anyone and therefore he never showed anyone the marking. He has been trying to find out what it meant. He had heard of soulmates but he didn't think he had one.

Logan and Patton are soulmates and they have been dating for three years. They found out in grade 6(thanks to Logan studying stuff for no reason) and they started dating in grade 8. The thing is that they both openly talked about their markings and there found out that they were soulmates. Virgil couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone at all about it.

Maybe Virgil did have a soulmate who was waiting to be found. Whatever the case is he needs to keep his marking a secret.


Virgil woke up to that very ungrateful sound of his alarm clock. He sighed and stood up. It was the first day of the eleventh grade and Virgil was not excited. No matter how hard he tried his body ended up pulling him out of bed and he got ready for the day. Virgil put on his normal outfit with skinny black ripped jeans, a ripped purple t-shirt and to top it off his black hoodie with purple patches with crude white stitching with a storm cloud over his heart.

After he was dressed he went downstairs and got his shoes on. He didn't eat much so he was underweight but he didn't mind. Virgil started to walk to school. Since he was tired he slightly wobbled as he walked. Thankfully he has only passed out once due to a lack of sleep. As he approached the school he caught sight of his two best friends, Logan and Patton. When Patton saw Virgil walking towards them he ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hi, kiddo!"
"Hey Patton"
"Why the glum face?"
"It's the first day of school"
"Well that's something to look forward to"

Patton released Virgil who scratched the back of his neck. He made sure he used his right hand which is the arm without the crown marking. Logan walked up to them and took Patton's hand in his.

"Virgil I have to inform you that sadly we aren't in the same source class this year but we are in almost every other class together"
"That's okay."
"We should get to class. School is starting"

Virgil nodded and the three of them made their way to the school. When they got inside the three of them split and went to their respective classrooms. When Virgil got to class he saw the one person he didn't want to share a class with Roman Kingsly. He was the most popular boy in the school. All the girls and even some boys fawn over him. Since he didn't really want to be noticed he held his head down low and sat at a desk near the back of the class.

Unfortunately, nothing is that simple. Someone sat in the desk on Virgil's right and put their stuff down. He looked up and saw Roman. He started to shake but he held himself together or the best of his abilities.

"Hey. I saw you come in with your head hung low. Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I'm fine..."
"Ah. Alright. Well, my name is Roman Kingsly! What's yours?"

Virgil got stressed out somehow by the question. Luckily the teacher walked into class and started the class. Virgil thanked whatever deity listened to him and started to pay attention. That was kind of hard when the person beside you happened to be the cutest boy in school and he was sitting beside him and was sneaking glances at him. Eventually, Roman's eyes stayed on Virgil. He couldn't pull his eyes away from him for some reason.

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