Here For You I Roceit

75 7 14

TW: Swearing
So this is a request from Prince-Finn-Ellwood
As usual I'm going to fuck this up do yeah :D
I don't know why you asked me to do it but ill try to make this a good chapter.
Also i know I've been doing quite a bit of Roman but the next chapter will not be a ship with our creative boi

Ever since Janus revealed his name he hasn't been the same. He insulted Roman and Remus and when he did it affected him... a lot...

Two Hours Ago~

Remus stormed into the room, furious.

"Why hello Remus. How can I help?"
"Remus? Are you okay?"
"'Oh Roman thank god you don't have a moustache otherwise between you and Remus I couldn't tell who the evil twin is' I'M NOT EVIL!"
"I was trying to defend myself"
"There's a difference from defending and insulting! You not only insulted me you insulted my brother!"
"Remus I had to defend myself"
"You're a snake. You tricked me. Just look at you. You are the literal snake. You decided to fool me into trusting you. I was a fool"
"You have scales and you convinced me you would always be there for me and I fell for your lie! You are a liar and that's all you are. A dirty liar!"

Janus was taken back. All he was trying to do was defend himself.

"Never talk to me again"

And with that Remus walks away

Flashback end~
Janus sits up wiping his face that was filled with tears. He didn't want to go to the light sides for help but he had no choice. He sunk down and appeared in the Mindpalace where conveniently everyone was there having a conversation. When Virgil made eye contact with Janus he hissed.

"What are you doing here?"
"I-I need some help"
"Well I'm out"

Virgil sunk down and Patton looked uncomfortable.

"I-I should go check on the kiddo"

And with that Patton was gone. Janus looked at Logan and he straightened his tie.

"I have work to do"

Now Logan was gone. Janus looked at Roman.

"What's wrong Janus?"
"I-It's nothing. I'm going to g-go"

Janus starts to sink down but Roman grabs his hand and pulls him back up.

"I'm not letting you go. I will help you so tell me what's going on... please...."
"F-fine but can w-we go to your r-room?"
"Of course"

Roman sinks down and takes Janus with him. They arrive in Roman's room and Roman locks the door.

"Come on, sit," Roman said as he sat on the bed. He patted spot next to him. Janus nodded and sat down beside Roman.

"Will you tell me what's going on?"
"I-It's R-Remus"

Roman's heart sinks. He thought his brother and Janus had a good relationship. Well he thought wrong. He wrapped an arm around Janus' shoulders. Out of pure instinct Janus leans his head on Roman's shoulder. Roman pulls him closer and wrapped both of his arms around Janus' torso.

"What did my brother do?"
"H-He called m-me a s-snake"
"I'm so sorry Janus"
"N-No it's f-fine"
"No it isn't. Remus shouldn't have snapped at you. You don't deserve that"
"Wh-why are you d-doing this?"
"What do you mean?"
"I-I hurt y-you the o-other day"

Roman remembered the day like it was yesterday. Sure Janus hurt him and sure even though he hasn't gotten over it helping Janus is his main priority right now. Remus shouldn't have snapped at Janus.

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