Needy I Intrulogical

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TW: Stalking & suicide
This is based on on Instagram's animation. If you haven't seen the animation here it is
I love the animation xD Alright enjoy

It was the start of another school year at Sanders Highschool. Remus and his friend Janus were going into the ninth grade. Surprisingly they were in the same class even though the teachers knew they weren't the best pair to be in a class together.

"Hey, Dee!"

Remus ran up to Janus who was walking into the school.

"I told you not to call me that"
"Sorry, but I can't believe we're in the same class this year!"
"I can't either. Now we should actually get to class"

The two of them entered the school and took in the atmosphere. suddenly a boy bumped into Remus.

"Sorry about that sir"
"Well it's fine"

The boy had a blue necktie that complimented his black shirt. Before Remus could say anything or even look at his face the boy ran away. Janus gave Remus a questioned look.

"Wow you're already scaring people"
"Shut up or I'll call you Dee again"

Janus sighed and the two of them walked to class. When they arrived someone walked up to them.

"Hey, Janus! Remus!"
"Virgil!" Janus and Remus say at the same time as they all hug each other. Since Virgil had gone to Oahu for summer break they weren't able to see each other so this was the first time all three of them have met up at once.

"How was Oahu?"
"Oh, Remus it was awesome. I even got to see some of the film locations where they filmed Hawaii Five-0. We also went to some of the places Magnum PI is filmed as well"

Remus gasped and Janus chuckled.

"Well I see you got a tan"
"I did spend most of it on the beach"

The teacher gets everyone to sit at a desk so Remus, Janus and Virgil all sit in desks beside each other. This was going to be a great school year...

Two months later~
The school year has flown by so fast. Remus was currently walking back to campus since his younger brother Roman and his friends were annoying him and Janus. But he stayed out longer than he meant to. Remus walked to the front doors and walked up to Janus.

"Bitch you went to Starbucks without me?"
"Hey! You were to busy scaring your brother away from us"

Remus laughs and looks behind him. He saw the boy who had fallen on him at the start of the year but now Remus could see his... incredibly cute face. His jawline looked as if it had been chiselled by the gods and his glasses topped off his already perfect face.

"Hey, Dee who is that?" Remus asks pointing to the boy with the tie. Janus looks over to where Remus was pointing.

"That's Logan. He's a huge nerd"

Remus stared at the boy who now had a name, Logan. Janus had realized what Remus was thinking.

"No, not again-"

Remus put a finger up to Janus' mouth and made his way over to Logan otherwise known as Remus' new crush.

"hey! My name is Remus! What's yours?"
"I uh!"

Logan jumped at the sudden voice. He looked up from his book and saw someone with a green shirt with some white in his hair. Logan put his book under his arm and cleared his throat.

"I'm uh Logan."
"ooh! That's a great name~"

Logan was starting to get uncomfortable. He shifted from one foot to the other and awkwardly chuckled. Not wanting Remus to get all weird Janus walked over to Remus and put an arm around his torso.

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