Sense I Loceit

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Janus has heard of the saying 'love at first sight' many times but he didn't really believe in it. People describe love as a spark but he has never felt a spark with anyone. To him he doesn't need to be in a relationship to be happy.

It was a normal day in Florida. The sun was shining and it was hot. Janus stood up from the couch and walked to his wine cellar to grab a bottle of wine.

A/N I know this is from Magnum PI but this video shows the wine cellar Janus has. You don't get a very great view but it's better than nothing. I also love Magnum PI so I wanted to add something from Magnum into my story.

Its also one of my favourite scenes from Magnum P.I. xD

Janus walked towards the section where he keeps his some of his favourite wine.

"I'm in the mood for some Wayne Gretzky wine today"

He looks at the wine he has but he realized he didn't have any. Janus sighed and grabbed his wallet. Time to go find some wine. Janus walks upstairs and goes to his car.

When he gets to the liquor store~
He pulled into the parking lot and parked his car. Sighing he got out of the car and walked into the store. He walked around the store and eventually found the bottle he was looking for. Grabbing the bottle he walks up to the cashier and put the bottle on the counter. Janus looks up at the cashier and pays for the bottle of wine.

Picking up the bottle, Janus walks out of the liquor store thankful that he didn't have to interact with anyone-

"I don't need to be rude but you should get some sleep"

Janus looks over at the figure who said that. He made eye contact with a man who had glasses who was wearing a black polo shirt with a blue necktie.

"and why is that?"
"For starters you are slouching which could lead to back problems in the future. Your eyes are drooping so it's obvious you are tired. a lack of sleep can weaken your immune system, negatively affect your memory and you have a increased risk of heart disease and getting diabetes"

Janus chuckled.

"Those are some very close observations. I must say I am impressed"
"I am what most people call a nerd because I love to research and learn about new stuff"
"I see"

Janus puts his hand out.

"My name is Janus"
"Salutations Janus. My name is Logan"

The man who now has a name, Logan shakes Janus' hand.

"Well I'm not really doing anything. I'm most likely going to go home and binge Magnum PI if you want to come with me"
"I have nothing else to do so sure"

Janus unlocks his car and sit sin the driver's seat. Logan sits in shotgun and puts his seatbelt on. Janus follows and turns on the car.

"I can hold your bottle of wine"

Janus hands Logan the bottle of wine.

When they get back to Janus' house~
Janus pulls into the driveway of his house and parks. Logan steps out of the car and Janus follows.

"So have you seen Magnum PI before?"
"In fact I have."
"Alright so I don't need to catch you up"
"You do not"

Janus nods and unlocks his house.

"welcome to my house. Make yourself comfortable"

Logan walks inside and puts the bottle of wine on the counter. Janus walks into the wine cellar and grabs two wine glasses. Walking out of the wine cellar, Janus head back to the living room. Logan is sitting on the couch like a robot.

"Would you like a glass of wine Logan?"
"Yes please"

Janus opens the wine bottle and pours two glasses of wine. Janus walks back over to the couch and hands Logan a glass of wine.

"Thank you Janus"
"No problem. Ready to watch some Magnum?"
"Yes I am"

Janus grabs the TV remote and turns on the TV. He selects Magnum PI and they watch the latest episode.

After the episode finished~
Janus looked at the time.

"It's 8:30. I think I should get going"
"You are more than welcome to stay"
"Then I shall stay. Are we going to have dinner?"
"What do you want?"

Janus pulls his phone out and selects Uber Eats.

"You can choose"
"You're the guest. You can choose"
"Fine. Can we have some Chinese food?"
"Of course"

Janus proceeds to order some Chinese food. By the time it had arrived Janus had learned that Logan is a science and math teacher at a local high school. Well that explained why Logan was able to tell my Janus was so tired. When Janus heard the doorbell ring he stood up.

"I'll go grab it"

Janus walked to the front door and opened it. He payed for the food and went back downstairs to where Logan was sitting on the couch.

"here's your food"

Janus pulled out a little Styrofoam case and handed it to Logan. Logan thanked Janus and the two of them began to eat.

After they were done~
Janus had thrown out his Styrofoam container and sat down beside Logan who was finishing up.

"So I must ask Logan what's it like being a teacher?"
"Well it's tiring because most of the students don't listen and I then have to mark their homework and correct each incorrect thing so it can be exhausting but it is very fun"
"I see"

Logan nodded and placed his food down on the coffee table.

"well I should get going now"
"Alright. Can I maybe have your number so we can do this again?"

Logan gave Janus his number and the two said goodbye.

To Janus love at first sight didn't make sense but it may be starting to now...

A/N holy fuck. I fucked this up big time. I am so sorry for this chapter. I do have something important to say so please read this. I am planning on taking a break from writing the sanders sides one shots for a while. I want to finish Help Goes A Long Way by September and I want to continue to write Emotions. I will still be updating this every week or so but the updates won't as frequent. If I stop writing Emotions I will defiantly continue to write these one shots more often but I want to take a break from these. I hope you understand.


Word count: 1100

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Word count: 1100

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