Scared (Part One) I Prinxiety

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TW: Panic Attack
I don't know why I decided to make this a 2 parter but I did
Virgil didn't want to fall for the school jock/theater geek Roman. Being in high school has been stressful for Virgil. His anxiety has been going through the roof. He has been handing all of his assignments but still his feelings for Roman have been getting stronger. He never had a chance though. All he does is draw.

Another day, another six hours of learning stuff that will never come in handy. Virgil walked into school. He starts to walk to class when a kid comes up to him. Janus, or as everyone calls him Deceit.

"Sup loser"
"Can I get to class without you annoying me for one day?"

Janus pushes Virgil up against the locker. At point Virgil knows what's going to happen. He just waits for the pain. He looks up at Janus who has his fist up. Virgil braces from impact when someone pulls Janus' fist back.

"Just leave"

Wait. Virgil recognized that voice. Janus walks away and Virgil looks down, grabbing his backpack. He was about to walk away wh-

"Hey are you alright? Did Janus hurt you?"

Fuck. It was Roman.

The second Virgil and Roman made eye contact Roman started to blush furiously. He has never seen a boy so cute in his life. All Virgil did was nod and began to walk away. Making a quick decision he runs to Virgil.

"Hey! Would you maybe like to get lunch with me sometime?"

Virgil shook his head and began to walk quicker to class. Roman frowns and walks to his own class. His best friend Patton immediately sees that Roman is down in the dumps.

"Hiya kiddo! You alright?"
"I just met this adorable boy but he ran away from me"
"Ah, what does he look like?"
"He had a black hoodie with purple patches and he had sangria hair"
"I'll ask logan. Hey babe?"

Logan walks over and gives Patton a kiss on the cheek.

"Whats wrong?"
"Well Roman has a new crush and he doesn't know his name"
"I don't have a crush on him"
"Well I may need a description"
"He has a black hoodie with purple patches and sangria hair"
"You are talking about Virgil Anxie. He suffers from social anxiety and he's pretty depressed. He is a very good art student and he is usually the one who gets bullied. He also self harms"
"Alright Logan how the fuck do you know that much about him?"
"I make close observations"
"It's like you stalked him for three years!"

Logan fixes his glasses and gives Roman a look that says 'at least I helped you'. Roman sighs.

"Thank you for telling me that information"
"If you want to know he is in Mr. Brown's class at the end of the day. If you want to catch him at lunch he gets out of science with Mr. Yay."
"Thanks for that"
"No problem. Now me must get to class"

At lunch~
Roman jogged out of class and waked to Mr. Yay's class. when he got there he saw the boy from earlier coming out.

"hey! I'm sorry for this morning"

Virgil looked up and fear flooded his face. He tried to run but Roman grabbed his arm.

"please... Please talk to me"

Virgil shakes his head and yanks his arm. He runs down the hallway and Roman sighs. Roman want to run after him but doesn't. Instead Roman walks outside of the school and sits up against the wall. He curls into a ball and cries.

Virgil walks out of the school and walks to the wall he usually sits at and he sees- Roman? He's crying. Virgil takes a deep breath and he walks up to Roman. When he heard someone walk up to him Roman looked up. When he recognizes the face he lets a weak smile onto his face.

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