I Can Help You I Romile

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I've finally decided to do a side x Emile. Let's hope I don't screw this up.
Also I really love this artist. @coffee_bean.ss on Instagram is a really great artist. You should check the out

Roman walked out of apartment and sighed. He has been trying to find a therapist for a long time but he doesn't have the courage to call a therapist. To him it's scary but he knows it will help him in the wrong one but despite that he is still scared to.

His best friend Virgil has tried to help him find a therapist but no matter how hard he tries he can't seem to find one that would suit Roman. Virgil wants to find the best therapist possible for him.

Roman walked to Virgil's house and knocked on the door. He waited for a few second before the door opened.

"Why hello Roman"
"Hey Logan. Is Virgil home?"
"Yes he is"

Logan opened the door and Roman walked in. Virgil ran down the stairs.

"Roman! I think I found a therapist for you!"
"And who would that be?"
"Doctor Emile Picani. All the reviews for him are overwhelmingly positive"
"Is that so?"
"Yes! I booked an appointment for you for today!"

Virgil grabbed Roman's hand and ran out the door, grabbing his keys on the way out. Roman was trying to get him to stop but of course it didn't work. Roman was shoved into the car and before you could blink Virgil was already driving to the therapist place.

When Virgil arrived~
After a ten minute ride with endless complaining from Roman, Virgil had arrived at the therapist place.

"Virgil why the heck did you do this?!"
"Because you'll like him"
"How do you know?"
"Because he is the best in the city"

Roman grumbled and got out stubbornly. Virgil followed and pulled Roman inside of the therapy place. They walked to the receptionist who smiled.

"Hi! How may I help you?"
"I have an appointment for Roman Princeton?"
"Ah yes! We need Roman to fill out a few forms and then the doctor will be out soon!"

Virgil takes the clipboard and sits beside Roman who signs everything quickly. Virgil stood back up and handed it to the receptionist.

"You excited Roman?"
"Not really"
"Why not?"
"You booked a therapy appointment without telling me!"
"Because you wouldn't book one yourself! Roman I care about you and I want you to be okay!"

Roman went silent and looked down.

Around ten minutes later a woman walked out.

"Roman Princeton?"

Roman stood up and walked over. He did a bunch of boring things before he was taken to the room.

"The Doctor will be in shortly"

Roman nodded and the woman walked out. Roman looked around and noticed the cartoon themed items in his room. He had everything from Disney to Pixar to TV shows like Steven's Universe and Spongebob.

Around five minutes later the door opened and Roman immediately began to blush. He saw the cutest boy he's ever seen. He wore a knitted vest-sweater with a white dress shirt and pink tie. His eyes were a beautiful, rich brown and his hair was pink and fluffy.

"A new patient! Do you how do?"
"I-I'm good..."
"Good to hear! My name is Doctor Picani and you are?"
"R-Roman Princeton"
"What a wonderful name! So what brings you here?"
"W-well... my f-friend booked this S-session without t-telling me..."
"And why would your friend do that?"

Roman looked down and fiddled with his thumbs.

"I've b-been trying t-to find a therapist f-for two y-years so he b-booked an a-appointment w-with you"
"Ah! Well how about we start with some information about yourself?"

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