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"Professor your hair!" Another student yelled. 

Sofia quickly pulled her hair out of her ponytail and noticed some green. She contained all of the anger she had inside and tied her hair back up letting out a long sigh. She glared at the students one by one analysing their expressions. She always was good at reading people let alone kids. Her eyes finally caught up with Tim who was snickering whilst trying to quickly shove his wand back into his green robes. She marched up to him as she watched his face turn a sickly shade of white. She remembered what her mother always told her: never yell, always whisper when you want someone to truly be afraid of you to the core. Sofia was known for having a short temper, something inside her was on fire. She bent down and leaned in as close as she could to Tim's face only mere centimetres away from his nose and whispered;

"Mr Parker. You try anything like that again I assure you it will be the last time you see Hogwarts." She heard him gulp. "A month worth of detention." Tim's mouth gaped open at her punishment, however, that was not all." I will be speaking to Profesor Snape in regards to how many house points Slytherin would be loosing. But at this rate, I am not afraid to suggest 150." Tim's eyes fell as did his hands. "Way to go Tim!" she heard some Slytherins mumble. 

"Sorry."  Tim mumbled. 

"Sorry what?" She whispered roughly. 

"Sorry Professor Greene." She wickedly smiled at him straightening her back. 

"Now that everyone had a grand time during their first class-" She continued as if forgetting what had just happened to her hair. "Congratulations to Helen and Katherine for brewing fantastic Sleeping Droughts. 10 points to each of your houses!" Both the Gryffindors and Slytherins clapped. "You are both very capable witches!" She said smiling at both the girls. "Homework for next class is to read chapter 15. Now go! Enjoy your lunch!" The students all rushed by Tim picking up their things and heading to the great hall. Tim was the last one to leave, mumbling another sorry on his way out. 

Sofia was in no mood to have lunch with any of her colleagues. She snuck into the kitchen through the elf door grabbed herself some food and went up to her quarters. She dreaded looking into the mirror. She had no idea the level of damage which Tim caused especially because she always loved her hair. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath in, pushing her bathroom door open, opening her eyes to the horror which she saw. 

Her hair was a sickly bright green, every strand. Swamp green someone could even say. Some parts darker green some parts lighter. There were no remains of the warm blonde she had possessed before. She frantically jumped into the shower scrubbing her hair but nothing worked. It was as if her hair was always green. Huh Greene, guess at least the kid was clever, or maybe he was just thinking of his house colours. The colour drained from her face as she remembered who would get the last laugh in this...Severus. 

The last thing she needed was Severus never letting this go. Boasting about how she couldn't handle a bunch of 12-year-olds. The only thought that calmed her was that Severus was gone for a week, which gave her some time to recover the damage even if the kids tell him about this. Although she doubted it, as he lacked having any resemblance of a connection with any of the students at Hogwarts. 

The rest of the week was both Sofia's dream and worst nightmare. She rekindled the love she had for potions since she was a teenager, although she couldn't say that for most of the students who took her class. Her week consisted of having to break up fights between Gryffindors and Slytherins, constantly hear complaints about Severus, endure neverending exploding potions which she always had to clean in the end because the students were not capable of doing a proper cleaning job and worst of all facing Tim's brother. The other Parker's reputation was much worse than his brothers. He had set multiple teachers on fire in his 3rd year, tried to poison his classmates on multiple occasions, gave the most difficult rebuttals to whatever Sofia would say during class and he consistently bullied younger students. But the cherry on top was that Sofia's hair had not faded one bit. By Thursday her students stopped asking her about it as she gave the same answer every time: a mishap. By Friday she had gone to every professor in the building to try to reverse the hex. Saturday she went down to Hogsmeade and bought some well-deserved wine for herself. Excited to open the bottle curled up on the couch whilst enjoying some of her traditional Greek mythology. But before that, she wanted to catch up with some classwork whilst re-writing some of Severus lesson plans in order to free up her Sunday. Sofia made her way down to the dungeons with some snacks and a decent attitude. 

Placing herself on Severus chair, she pulled out all the lesson plans and begun re-writing them. In order to lighten up the mood, she waved her wand and conjured an old record player to stand on top of one of the student tables. She proceeded to play some old songs by Frank Sinatra, The Platters some Marilyn Monroe and Louis Armstrong. Every lesson plan she picked up looked messier than the one before it. After re-writing all the core lesson plans which added up to a whopping 40, she decided it was time to stop for the evening. She had colour coded, timed and separated every single new plan by school year, ingredient and timeframe. Sofia muttered a spell which bound all the lesson plans in order and placed them into Severus drawer which was filled with millions of other useless and unorganized pieces of loose parchment. Finishing off cleaning the desk Sofia made her way back to her quarters making sure to remove the record player and any other trace of her which she might have left behind. 

In her quarters Sofia conjured herself a wine glass with the wine which she bought earlier that day. Taking off her teaching attire she made herself comfortable in a tank top and some navy pyjama pants, she let her hair down about to get fully comfortable when she saw the green strands fall on her eyes. Livid she tied her hair back up huffing "Accio book." As the book plopped on her lap she silently sipped her whine fully indulging every word which was written on the pages. 

Hours had gone by, but as Sofia yawned she didn't quite feel like she was ready to go to bed. Looking outside her window she noticed how beautiful the stars looked. She wanted nothing more than to sit by the black lake and watch the stars for a little while. Suddenly she remembered that she was a professor and had a full right to do so. She grabbed a sweater and a warm scarf as she rushed down the stairs. In the hallways, she bumped into Remus. 

"Good evening Sof!" He laughed as she rushed by him. 

'Oh, Merlin! I didn't see you. Hi Remus how are you? Hows D.A.D.A. going?" She hugged him. 

"Same old..." He smiled. "How the hair problem any luck? Although it doesn't seem like it..." He touched her hair gently. "Wow it's really green isn't it?" 

"No matter what I do I can't get it out, I've tried absolutely everything." Sofia grew to truly appreciate Remus, he was the first professor who was nice to her aside from Minerva and Albus. During her first year, she always went to him for any advice or emotional support. Remus did the same. Anytime he and Tonks would have a heated argument he could come to Sofia for guidance. 

"Well, I won't hold you up much longer. Enjoy whatever it is you were running off to with a glass of wine! Not that I am interested in the slightest in what that is!" He winked.

"Oh I'm simply going to sit by the lake, I wanted to make this Saturday last just a little longer before having to face Severus with this atrocity tomorrow. Care to join?" 

"Can't darling, night duty." He hugged her again before she rushed off to the lake. 

Although sitting on the grass is romantic in all sorts, Sofia really did not fancy her favourite pyjamas being wet from the grass. Whipping out her wand she quickly conjured a cheeky bench which she would remove before going back to her quarters.  She sat on the bench crossing her legs under her, making sure to take in the lake and the stars above her. She sipped on her wine, enjoying the smell of the trees, the slow buzz of the crickets and the wind. Before she managed to get any more comfortable she felt someones gaze burning through the back of her head. She smiled in hopes that Remus decided to ditch night duty and join her. She quickly spun around only to be greeted by a dark looming ƒigure, the moonlight illuminating the sharp features of his face and onyx eyes. She rolled her eyes. 


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