Aberdeen Inn

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Gathering everything Sofia needed into her enchanted coin pouch, she was prepared to apparate. Locking the door behind her she walked through the Hogwarts grounds, rushing by all the students in hopes that no one would ask her any questions. 

"Professor Greene?" She heard a voice from behind her. Sofia stopped. Turning around she saw a 3rd year trying to catch up with her with a book in his hand. 

"Hi, Mr Finly." She warmly smiled at him. "I'm in a tad of a rush, what is it you need?" 

"Oh...I'm sorry Professor Greene..." He looked distraught. "It can wait." Sofia expression softened. He looked so disappointed and confused. She gestured for him to come closer. 

"Come. I think I can spare a second." She saw that he had a potions textbook in his hands. Realizing that this would take a little longer than a minute Sofia shifted to one of the benches in the stone hallway. Both of them sitting down on the bench the student started rambling asking her a million questions at once.  She realized that he had tried to brew the same potion over and over and it seemed to fail. "Mr Finley, walk me through the process of how you're brewing this?" As he walked her through the process she quickly realized that he kept forgetting to stir the potion in the right direction, correcting him and sending him on his way she smiled to herself as she watched him quickly run towards a group of other 3rd years, pointing at the book. She was once more reminded as to why she loved teaching so much. Seeing the moment when something clicks in a child mind is what kept her going. Smiling to herself she quickly walked out from Hogwarts. As she eventually made it off Hogwarts grounds she was ready to apparate. Taking out the address, she had hoped that her magic was enough to take her to the inn. Shutting her eyes and muttering the address to herself she focused. Hard. Soon, she felt the familiar pain in her bones, praying for it to end quickly she gripped onto her own body. 

Soon enough she felt her feet reach the ground. To her surprise, the ground seemed soft. Within mere seconds Sofia felt rain on her hair. Looking around she realized that she had found herself in the woods? Squinting her eyes she failed to see any light around her. She knew that it was way past 7 pm, worrying that the sun was about to set she searched for her wand in her purse. She quickly felt her clothes get wetter and wetter, clinging uncomfortably to her body. Sofia felt a surge of panic as she continued to dog through her purse. She had no idea where she ended up, and it was safe to assume that she also had no idea where she was going. Taking out her wand she focused on breathing through her minor attack as she noticed a small trail on the ground. Deciding to follow the trail she proceeded to walk deeper into the woods. The forest was quickly getting dark around her. The rain picked up, it was now hard for Sofia to see a few feet in front of her. She held out her wand in front of her slowly walking forwards, as the forest became pitch black around her. Sofia felt her body begin to shiver aggressively. She proceeded to walk down the path forcing herself to ignore the cold creeping into her body. Suddenly she heard a sound that sounded vaguely like a wolf howl. Eyes widening, Sofia picked up her speed, almost running pushing the branches away from her face. The last thing she needed was to fight off a pack of wolves. She heard as the howling got closer to her. Her heart racing in her chest she now began to run. The images of the trees and branches were begging to blur in front of her due to the rain. As she continued to run she felt her feet struggle through the snow. Suddenly she felt her body fall to the ground, feeling a sharp pain at her ankle. Looking down she noticed that she had tripped over a root which was hidden under the now. Sofia was now not only soaked but the side of her body was now also covered in mud. Quickly getting up she waited to hear the howling once more. To her luck, the howling had seemed to quiet. Quietly she made her way down the path. Soon enough the forest seemed to become less and less dense. She began to see lights in front of her. Letting out a loud sigh she continued to walk towards the lights. Eventually, she saw the road. Looking down at herself she rolled her eyes. Severus would never let this go, she thought. As she walked up to the only building which still had lights on she checked if it had the same address on it as the parchment. To her luck, she had finally made it to the inn. The rain showed no signs of slowing down as she made her way inside. 

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