Core Lessons

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"Oh. Hello Professor." Sofia replied politely. She turned facing the lake hoping he would soon bid his goodbyes. Contrary to her hopes, Severus strode over to the bench and stiffly sat next to her. Making sure to maintain a comfortable distance of a meter.

"I see you have returned." She continued trying to fill in the awkward silence.

"Always impressively observant." He muttered.

"What was it you were doing anyway?'

"None of your concern Ms Greene." Severus had folded his hands across his chest as Sofia leaned her below on the bench resting her cheek in her palm. He still hasn't made any snide remarks about the hair, Sofia thought. Maybe she could just get away with it without him pestering her. Whilst Sofia was looking out towards the black lake Severus kept stealing glances at her. Something was different, he thought, and not in a positive way. He kept staring at her squinting his eyes. The moonlight was not particularly helpful as he could hardly distinguish any of her features.

"What on earth are you staring at?" Sofia rudely said, making sure not to turn to look at him attempting to disengage from the conversation as much as she could. Before replying Severus pulled his wand out of his cloak, and whispered lumos. His eyes widened as his jaw clenched.

"What happened to your hair...?" He lifted the wand closer to her face as she swatted it away.

"None of your concern professor." She mocked. She could almost see a smirk forming on his lips. Bracing herself for whatever he was about to say she huffed.

"I see your first week has gone splendidly then." His monotone voice broke the silence. Still holding his wand he wanted to see Sofia's face as he tormented her. A part of him was longing to hear how horrible his students must have been to her.

"I quite enjoyed it. All the students did quite well. And your classroom is in one piece, therefore, I believe praise is in order." She smiled at him. Sofia refused to back down and tell him the truth.

"Do tell the truth. I will not have a colleague lie to my face."

"So I'm a colleague now, here I thought you were treating me like I'm still one of your students!" Sofia returned.

"Without the attitude Greene. What. Happened. To. Your. Hair?" He was now getting frustrated. Not only was Sofia making a grand attempt at hiding her emotions but she also managed to piss Severus off at the same time. Sofia seemed calm and collected.

"Mr Parker was not happy with the points I deducted from him, therefore he proceeded to hex me. He also did a great job at it, as you can see." She gestured to her hair. "Slytherins seem to be getting more and more clever by the day." She smiled. Severus couldn't say that he wasn't impressed by her positive demeanour. However, his curiosity once more got the best of him.

"And why did you take off the house points in the first place?"

"Professor, you are more than welcome to find out yourself. You have detention with Tim after dinner for the rest of the month." Severus furrowed his eyebrows and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The lack of discipline you had as my student seems to have followed you into your pathetic teaching career." He glared at her. "What makes you think I enjoy cleaning up your mess?" Sofia stayed silent. His words mixed with her green hair felt like a huge weight being pushed on her chest. She practically felt tears welling up in her eyes. But she would rather fight an aggressive forest troll with her bare hands than let Severus witness any trace of her human emotion. Finishing her wine glass she firmly stood up.

"Well, I had a lovely evening with you, Professor." Sofia continued in a sarcastic manner. "Now If you'll excuse me I have to remove this bench." Severus raised an eyebrow, getting up from his comfortable position. Sofia quickly removed the bench with her wand, heading towards the main building bidding him a silent goodnight.

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