Chapter 35

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Emilia Ellis

We walked hand in hand with Buttercup in front of us. She took in the world, in-front of us. We decided to walk to Chase's home. It's like a five minutes walk, really. Nothing surprise me more than how we live in the same neighbourhood and never bumped into each other. It might also have to do that I never go out.

"How did you meet Cody?" I asked.

"Cody actually came to London for his post-secondary education."

"Oh." I said blinking my eyes at the new information.

"Yes, he was arrogant that time." He smirked. "I had to fix him here and there."

"He seems pretty nice and polite to me."

"You just met him like..Twice?"

"Not really. Thrice. He called me last week to the club to help you get home."

"Cody." He muttered a little annoyed.

"Why are you getting mad about that?"

"I don't want you to go to a club."

"Why? Because I don't belong there?" I used his words against him. I know I shouldn't have, but then his words did hurt me deeply.

"You are so innocent and so pure..I want to hide you from that part of the world." He said.

"I'm not innocent or pure." I said. "I'm far from that."

He kissed the back of my hand lightly. "That's why your brothers are protecting you so much and I get it too. I don't want anyone to hurt you or see you get hurt, but the irony is I did hurt you a couple of times with my words."

"When you were drunk." I said.

"Yes. I will try not to get drunk again."

"What happened last week with the paparazzi?" I asked.

He looked straight ahead. "I hate them so much." He said not looking at me. "They follow me like a swarm of annoying bees." He spat in disgust. "Broke me down and keep trying to break me down."

I held onto his hands, tightly.

"They spread fall rumours about me when I was a teen and everyone at school used to talk sh*t about me. I hated that and so I decided if they are already making it a deal. I might as well add fuel to it. That's when I started getting into fights in school because those as*holes used to talk sh*t about me and things escalated from there."

"You give into them?" I asked surprised.

"I was a teen.." he said. "I didn't know how to cope up with the rumours. What was the truth was covered with lies. I was frustrated and angry. I didn't know what to do."

"Did you seek professional helps?" I asked.

"Yes." He said. "I think, I'm a little better compare to my teenage years."

"We'll make it through this." I said kissing the back of his hand.

Buttercup ran towards us and I picked her up.

"I guess we should go home." Chase said patting her lightly. "How did you avoid the paparazzi when your family is technically famous and especially your brothers."

"I have securities and people who cover things for me. That's why you haven't seen article about us."

"Are you ashamed about me?" He asked quietly.

"What? No." I said. "I like this thing." I said showing us our intertwine hands. "Being normal couples. Away from those foolish lights and cameras. I never liked the attention. It makes me nauseous. I don't know who can have hold of my pictures and do some creepy stuffs." I shivered lightly.

"But What if our pictures leak out in the media?"

"Then." I paused. "We might need more securities,but I promise. Nothing will change and I really don't care what people think about you, all I know is that I'm with a warm and kind person, who is exceptionally handsome."

"You make me happy." He said.

"And so do you and I really mean it." We walked inside his home.

"I have to talk to Mr.Balthazar about new changes and arrangement. Make yourself feel at home." He said as he disappeared somewhere in the house.

He was kind enough to find me a spare new slipper for me. It made my heart really warm and fuzzy.

Buttercup took in the environment and started running around the house while wagging her tails and barking at every possible things she see.

I should have adopted a dog sooner, but I'm glad I did it.

Mr.Balthazar and Chase came back, half an hour later. I was with Buttercup at the patio. He soon joined me and kissed my cheeks.

"Sorry, it took a while.." he apologized.

"Is everything okay?" I asked..

"Yes." He smiles at me. "Lunch will be ready very soon. I hope you are hungry."

"I am." I said.

"Let's feed Buttercup first." He said and ran to fetch Buttercup. We put down Buttercup's foods and drinks as we watch her eat.

"She eats well." He said.

"Yes. We have to make appointment with a veterinarian for Buttercup."

"I will do it." He said.

"I will do it." I said.

"Allow me to, already I have been a bad Dad to her."

"You have not been bad, just neglectful and it's funny how we use the parental term. Daniel literally hates hearing me call myself,Mom when I talk to Buttercup."

"Sounds like Daniel." He laughed.

We were interrupted by a middle aged woman who announced that lunch was ready.

"This is Ms. Singh." Chase introduced us. "This is Emilia, whenever you need any help and I'm not around and you are not comfortable speaking to Mr.Balthazar about it. You can always find Ms.Singh." He smiled and the woman returned a smile back.

"Nice to meet you." She said and I smiled back.

She seemed genuinely nice.

For lunch we had rice and chicken with salads. It was delicious and beautiful to look at.

"What would you like to do this afternoon?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said. "What would you like to do?"

"I would suggest we stay indoor this afternoon."


"For our date, most parts of it will be outdoor." He grinned.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"That will be a surprise." He tapped my nose, gently. "What would you like to do?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

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