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Phoenix's classic phrase came so steadily and quite loud too but he had solved the case and found his client innocent despite the prosection failings and he celebrated happily in the lobby.

Athena and Apollo, both cheered at another victory and another turn.

"That was so great!" Apollo exclaimed but Athena was busy reaching to her side and presenting a newly clothed (appropriately) Minju(the name the girl chose for herself after reading a popular magazine with a said celebrity with that name) and beamed the entire time. "Oh?"

"Hello." Minju quietly responded a bit dazed and bowed awkwardly and Athena pulled her back up.

"How?" Phoenix began.

"I have my ways! Besides, this is waaay better but she still insists on staying with you which I can understand why but I have contacted Gumshoe to look for any missing person's gonna be awhile, too." Athena said glum.

"I guess we can start there. How are you feeling, Minju?"

"I'm fine, prince."

"No need to. Just call me Phoenix, alright?"

"Okay, P-Phoenix." She stammered a bit.

She was quite lovely but a blank slate if ever one was possible. Why was that? She was human but everything was lacking so what kind of person was she really?

"She's so cute!" Athena declared clapping her hands once. "Right, Phoenix?"


"Really?" Apollo was again agitated but disguising it wasn't the best to any resolution. "I think we should ask her questions...She has to remember. "

"We'll do that back at the office, right?" Athena leading the way as her voice trailed off but once the scenery changed to the familiarity of the Wright Anything Agency, Minju saintly sat with her legs crossed and the members just cautiously stood near.

"Do you know why you were in the trash...just so odd but regardless, can you recall anything from before?" Apollo asked.

Minju blinked once or twice.

"I don't. I'm sorry. But I am sorry you don't like me."

"It isn't that, it's just-Phoenix doesn't and shouldn't have to be-"

"It's all right, Apollo. I want to be."

"Why? She could be a bad person and that's why she probably ended up in the trash...or maybe someone was on the verge of dumping her body and not realizing she was still alive?"

"That's why we are investigating or at least having Gumshoe do it, but Apollo, let Phoenix do what he wants. There's a reason why she was there last night. I'm sure of it!"

"Don't be too naive, Athena."

"Maybe Phoenix did save her life and thus thwarted a killer in the making and maybe we'll figure out her mysteries."

Apollo scoffed.

In turn, Phoenix was calm, collected and most importantly gentle towards Minju, most certainly intrigued by her appearance and existence but did he meet her from before?

Like Dahlia and Iris, he knew that Minju was important but how?

"Did anyone ask what she wants?" Phoenix interjected. "What do you want, Minju?"

"To be with you, always."

"Is she like declaring her love and devotion to you, Phoenix!?" Apollo gasped as Athena hid her tiny smile against her open palms. "She doesn't know you!"

"I don't care. I already know who he is."

A hand was pressed to Phoenix's cheek, as if she wanted to experience the warmth of him, and only her.

Phoenix almost felt something, harder and harder it was falling, block by block but she certainly cared so much about him...could he do the same for her? Could he glance beyond her quietness and discover the person she was? If this was a declaration of love, could he accept it, too?

"Then, I'll take it."

"Huh? What was that Phoenix?" Athena asked now unable to contain her wider smile.

"You heard him, he's accepting this nonsense. I guess it doesn't hurt to help her." Apollo conceded.

"Could Phoenix be like falling for this mysterious girl? This is totally out of a drama, or worse a shojo manga." Athena giggled but Phoenix took Minju's hand so readily almost silencing the unnecessary happiness out of Athena. "Should we tell Trucy that she has a mom, now?"

"I wouldn't go that far, yet." Phoenix replied a bit embarrassed.

"Ha! You sad, YET!"

"Drop it, Athena." Apollo was advising but Athena was quite beyond herself at this proclamation even if it didn't come true now.

"It's fine. I'll watch over her, and that I promise," Phoenix began and looked at his associates, "And Minju, can help also in this office, is that fine?"

"Of course! I'll do whatever makes you happy!"

"No, don't. Please, I want you to be happy too and, I don't think you should rely on me for your happiness but I promise to find justice for you. I'll get those memories back."

"Oh, Phoenix."

"Don't cry anymore, okay? Do that for me as well. Anyhow, you're working with us and deserve a paycheck too-"

"Money means nothing to me."

Taken aback as he knew the answer already though with Athena and Apollo whispering in the background, Phoenix being so amused by it all.

Soon with it all, the night came and Phoenix found his office closed for the day and walking besides Minju, just silently pondering if he should at all make any moves or at least make her comfortable as it felt so cold in this October night; Although she didn't indicate the coldness hurting her, it weighed on him and even more at his apartment as she curled up on his bed, clutching her arms in an attempt to fend off the worse nightmares.




"Will you all be able to help me? I just wish I knew...why I was discarded like that. I'm still a person. I'm still..."

"I'm sure with some investigating, we'll have some answers soon. It will be resolved and that I promise."

"Is it silly to fall in love so easily? Am...I...?"

"No." He answered without hesitation recounting his own personal love lost and gone, but with some tact, he plopped next to her and without any fear, engulfed her without warning. "Besides, you probably have someone that loves you. We all do except..."

"You're no exception."

"I gave up on love long ago, I'm just a defense attorney."

"Then should I be one too?"

He laughed a bit.

"It takes a bit of schooling to do it and besides," He paused. "I wouldn't want you to end up in another office without me."

Was he admitting or confessing his ever flowing feelings, too?

Even if the night ended there with him sleeping on the floor and her quiet breathing easing him, he still woke up earlier than her, and watched her sleep peacefully. Oh well, work didn't wait and it was just another day, wasn't it?

Wasn't it?

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