Holly in Wonderland Part 3

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The clock was gearing and winding up but it was a small noise that kept her dashing through the maelstrom, and hurrying to the rhythmic nature of that same clock that Apollo the white rabbit wore; Soon the transition was completed with roses being painted red by several guards but with a swish of his cotton tail, he was nearer than ever. Could she awake from this wonderland? Could reality awaken to the despair and hope she had within?


"STOP THERE!" Guards wearing the colors of red and black, reminding her promptly of different cards' suits, but did she have time to think as she sped in an opening between them, resisting the change and charge of their authority. No, she had to go home, but if she found Apollo, she wouldn't have to start over, right? "There she is! GET HER TO THE QUEEN!"

The queen?

Which queen? Who would be the queen in her mind? Did she want to find that answer so easily? No, not at all, Not so much but these guards were determined to take her away and force her into something she wasn't quite prepared for. What was it? Soon with her gasping, their arms yanked at her dress and short hair till pain raced down her cheeks, spraying all nearby.

"What are you doing-!?"

"You're going on trial for treason! TREASON against the queen!"

"No-You must be mistaken-I didn't do anything-"

Then it unfolded as a court room enveloped her sights just like real life but there were no real witnesses and as she was situated at the defendant spot and soon realized that the judge was the queen and the defense attorney was Apollo the white rabbit; him stuttering to make sense of her case. What case could they have on her?

"State your name and occupation."


Even here, the trial still haunted her.


Even in this Wonderland, she couldn't escape.

"Holly Wright, part of Wright Anything Agency."

Clamor from the prosecution, both that worm Edgeworth and Simon the striped cat stood on the opposition side wanting to get a conviction. What lengths would they go to for it? Lie about it? Mad hatter Phoenix wasn't here and her heart just dropped.

"Your majesty, please, excuse my client. She does not know the ways of this land. She only found herself here." Apollo the white rabbit said loudly and forcefully too. " I open for a dismiss of this trial. In this evidence we proclaimed, the defendant was unconscious at the time of the murder and it was the prosecution's own Cheshire cat that committed the murder. This photo proves it-"

"Objection! It seems like the defense forgets that she was awake and responsible for the events leading up the arson and deaths. I may have been responsible for some of the actions described by the defense but I was under her orders. I was merely a tool."


"No, that's wrong, your majesty, my testimony is this locket, this promise with Simon-I mean the Cheshire Cat but I died in the car accident and my parents were responsible for the death of many other young women in the pursuit of resuscitating me. He may have started the fire but, I'm not responsible for their deaths in the slightest! I merely was brought back to life through my parents' research in bio engineering and pharmacological capabilities. I condemn their actions to be unethical and immoral on the grounds of science and humanity!"

Then what should she do now?

Was this mirroring the real life trial going on?


The trial continued as she sucked on her thumb, slightly before listening to all the arguments to and fro.




Apollo was fighting for her but where was The Mad Hatter Phoenix?

Would he come in time? Would he? Then the Wonderland dissolved and reality came back to her.

Don't Think TwiceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя