God Only Knows

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Another typical day in court but there was only Prosecutor Blackquill and the back and forth; defense vs prosecution but it was something that Phoenix was skilled at and while, Blackquill conceded defeat, Phoenix couldn't help see that Blackquill seemed to be searching. Searching for what

Though Phoenix won the case, Blackquill didn't hesitate to congratulate though his darken eyes were on Holly as she stood tall as she could with Phoenix, but her grip was loose and troubled. What was it? Wait. Didn't she say Blackquill's name and he never did explain why he was at the lab and Phoenix never could bring it up and court wasn't the place for the speculation without evidence.


"Huh? You're-Simon Blackquill, right? Have we met before...? Have you...?"


She grasped at her neck, choking and sputtering as tears trailed off those same fine lines and splashing downward to the ground, evaporating; Again, losing her voice to the despair, which, Phoenix had to witness again and again. Could he do more to improve her state of mind?

But Phoenix wasn't that saved her from crashing, Blackquill did with such recklessness and they froze in place, unable to do more than peer into each other's sight. What did she see? What did she remember now? Why would he go out of his way to touch someone hardly, if anything knew; sure the whole court system even the judge was thrilled about the marriage, unexpected as it was, it was a very celebratory event as Phoenix found some real happiness in a very personal sense.

"S-Simon, please, don't go...S-Simon..."

"I told you already, mermaid."

"I care so much...I c-can't do this...how could you? YOU PROMISED ME!" Her disheveled expression fell off as her body quietly went down; She had fainted so fast and Phoenix couldn't put into words why or how she knew Blackquill other than this time. Could he approach the subject with the prosecutor?

"Don't bother, Wright. It's not worth telling now. I suggest you keep the mermaid safe."

His overuse play on nicknames was incredible but why that nickname for her? What had the meaning and meeting between them been like in that past that haunted Holly? And what murder mystery conspiracy? Why hadn't Blackquill elaborated more on this? Wasn't this the real reason why she happened to be upset with him?

"Listen, Blackquill-"

"Keep her happy or I will."

"What? What are you-"

"Do I need to repeat myself, lest the blade doesn't rest anymore."

"O-Okay then, but can I have my wife back at least?"

With the transfer completed, Blackquill exited the defendant room so rapidly that Phoenix experienced some whiplash, but even as he held Holly so gently, her heart was murmuring in his ears although, he couldn't leave her behind. Oaths were to be cherished, always and he happened to be a man that kept them.

"P-Phoenix? I'm s-sorry...I didn't mean to."

"Don't worry about it. Can you stand? How long have you been awake?"

"Just now. But if that's Simon then he's the one from my memories and that means something doesn't it? But does the past outweigh anything here and now with you? Phoenix, please understand me when I say that there's more he isn't telling us."

Phoenix nodded in agreement but helping her back even if she was shakily crying and boy, was her cheeks puffy and wet, despite the despair of her crying over and over again broke his heart more. Would she just stop and realize his own pain, too? Why was sorrow just filling her up like this?

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