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Her feet dangled above the ground as the world blinked into existence and the pouring sunlight glared into her glassy eyes. What had...? The memories poured into her and doubling over, holding back the retching she experienced but having eaten nothing, what could out except the very innards she protect? Where was she? In the hospital? Why were there flowers-tulips and bouquets of flowers she didn't name out right and a very couch that was worn, pressed as if someone lived there all the time.

What year was it?

What time?

What about her pregnancy?

Why did she attempt suicide in the courtroom, in her own trial? Was she guilty? Did Phoenix save her? Oh god, what had she done, and glancing down to her flat belly, the imprint of a baby growing inside shoved forth resentment and agonizing misery. Could she ever be forgiving? Could she break down her marriage that easily? She wouldn't be missed, but if it was any indication, the flowers and cards lining her bed told her another story. Why? They all hardly knew her. What voice did she miss the most? What feeling was there?

She knew this was the end, tears forthcoming just wasted away her tinier frame.

"W-Who's there?"

Blinding were the molecules of tears.

The person stood up and looked a bit weary but older, yet it was no mistaking it as she was dressed in a very unique garb, Trucy Wright. Why was this girl here? Her daughter? Yes, Holly adopted while meeting the girl briefly at the trial. God, what rotten luck.

"It's me, mommy. A-Are you-? I should get d-daddy."

"No. Don't. I can't face him or anyone."

"Why not!? MOMMY! Daddy and all of us have been waiting for so long for you to wake up. Please-"

"H-How long...?"

"Does it matter? Daddy will be so happy-relieved to see you. I mean, we all will be. You've been sleeping for about a few months now...maybe a year at most."

"My t-trial!"

Trucy's eyes darted away.

"It's been postponed since your attempt. Why did you do it mommy? Why did you hurt daddy so? He cried over you. You really hurt him. WHY DID YOU HURT YOURSELF!?"

The indignant rage boiling over now being replaced with an overwhelming concern but as the door shut and Holly was left to her own devices, she sobbed alone. She mourned the loss of a child, an overstretching detail that brought up wells of misinformed pain but she wasn't the one really suffering. Actions have consequences and she should remember.

Phoenix cried?

She quickly found clothes that were marked for her as if it was prepared when she woke up before leaving behind the sullied memories of the hospital and all that transpired there.

The air, however chilly it could be, happened to be extremely warm in preparation of summer, so springtime had the flowers elegantly displayed even the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms. She wandered more, barefoot into the cool but life sustaining grass and planted herself against the tree trunk. Relaxing and it alleviated any sorrow she constantly burdened herself with.

"I thought I'd find you here."

A voice so familiar yet spine tingling.

Phoenix Wright.

He aged so gracefully.

Handsomer still.

She didn't and all thanks to the her second life and her family's tinkering with science, forbidden and immoral science.


A passionate kiss that had his tongue winning dominance over hers, even if she dared keep up, she'd admit defeat but with a long stroke of her back, she fell into the pattern predictable. In his arms, always. He was a heaven sent and his devotion new no bounds and was the breadth of the sky.

"You taste so sweet as ever. Now, I told you shouldn't cry over anything ever again even this."

"I...I have a lot to answer for. I l-lost...I tried to commit suicide."

"It's in the past and I wouldn't say it didn't hurt but no hard feelings towards you, Holly honey. I'm overjoyed and just...happy you're okay and that you didn't lose your memory again. I didn't want to start over but if I had to, I'd make you fall in love with me again."

"You're so damn bold, Phoenix Wright. Couldn't ask for a better romantic partner, and soul mate in all of this."

Soul mate.

So cliched, she despised that mention of a word that always crossed people's mind so easily but it explained the undying fealty he put in place for her. Though even if her wings had been clipped, it wasn't a goodbye but hello, sleepy head, that he proclaimed with his arrival.

So fine and all hers.

"Yes, that's the word here. I was wondering when you'd wake up and at least see the cherry blossoms. Things have changed in the long term with you in that coma but I'm...so relieved..." Closeness called to them both and he couldn't help but cross the boundary, with sweet pecks cascading her exposed neck through to her more naked chest he so casually smirked upon. Her breasts nearly spilled from her shirt and she struggled to conceal her pink tipped nipples but kneeing down, he pinched the nipples before enveloping his mouth over them.

Heaving and feeling the wetness between her legs increase, she struggled as his hands slid under her dress, his fingers breaking the long barrier inside her. He was so crude and a horn dog, definitely but it didn't feel coarse or wrong, it felt too right.

And he fingered her, stimulating the very spots that had her gasping and now, nearly screaming in pleasure, his tongue now lashing quite quickly against her nipples and all of her didn't resist, she opened up gladly and only for him. And he did the honors, unzipping his fly and thrusting his cock, so big, into her vagina.

She expanded inside and nearly propped herself up as he pushed in and out, all in a rhythm that he mastered so seemingly willingly. He had so much time to know her body so beautifully and there was no amount of pain, only pleasure of an oath that a married couple had, and one they took time to have. This was how she got pregnant in the first place...didn't he realize? He was a baby factory, his sperm was just too potent for her but he'd be at her side, always.

Baby or not.

Climax was reached by both of them and after he withdrew, clothing both of them, his head remained in her longer hair, running those same fingers that had pleasured her so much.

Believing in fate, an oath, a promise

Who could do that anymore?

Please don't.

You're everything I could dream of.

It's our oath and one day, we'll wear the color of sunshine

on the tips of our hearts.

I want you for a lifetime, so please don't think twice.

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