Love Letters

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"What is this?" Apollo cried as stacks of red envelopes crashed on his head and he couldn't say his signature phrase of "I'm FINE!" that signified his position in the mess but Athena casually pulled him out; the red envelopes becoming a sea cascading onto Phoenix's desk. The trial had been postponed a bit further to give Holly more time to rest but she was chuckling to herself, and all the three attorneys could do was be dumbfounded at her response.

"I thought I got rid of them! Where did you find them, Polly?"


"Yes! Yes, Polly, where did you find them or is that too hard for you? I mean-I'm sorry, I am just annoyed about them."

"What are they?" Phoenix asked taking one and beginning to open it before Holly snatched that one and gave him a menacing look as if she was hiding something.

"You really don't know what these are? Did anyone get these in school?"

"No." Unison.

"Love letters. All of them. I'm sorry-I've been receiving them daily for about 3 weeks now. I thought they'd go away but-"

"Love LETTERS? Who is writing you these?" Apollo asked.

"I guess other people? Men? Women? I don't know. I don't read them...I did read them in the beginning but it became too much for me; And the worse is yet to come, too."

"What do you mean?"

"They actually deliver it in person, sometimes. I hate rejecting people...I feel so bad about it...I mean..."

"Don't be! You don't need anyone except us and Mr. Wright. Well, Mr. Wright in that way."

Holly gave Apollo a quick stare down.

"What do you mean in that way?" She threatened nearly spitting on him, but quickly an excuse was made or at least from what Phoenix understood, a way out.

"Well, you two are kind of...."

"...pda. It can get waaaay out of hand with you and Mr. Wright. It's..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make-I didn't-"

"Don't worry. We'll be better about it in the future." Phoenix chimed in.

Athena and Apollo high fived.

"You two can be the worst." Holly remarked missing the beat and surprising everyone including Phoenix. What? He almost wanted to say more, maybe intervene a bit more but she played it off or at least cooled down. "I'm kidding. I guess, there's a such thing as too much PDA. I just feel like a teenager in love with him...I totally didn't hear me admit that, okay?"

"And I think Mr. Wright feels the same."

"What! Why are you putting me on the spot, here!?" Phoenix exclaimed jumping up from his seat, alarmed at this accusation.

"I think we need to go to court now. I think I wanna sue you both. I need a defense attorney..."

"I hope you're kidding." Apollo began sweating bullets, weary but Athena wasn't sure if Holly was playing either, only Phoenix could decipher Holly but she wouldn't make it that easy. No use in using the Magatama.

"Don't. You. Dare. Use. That. On. Me."


"Looks like daddy is!"

"Trucy, you don't have to say it like that...I mean..."

"Mr. Wright, Trucy is actually correct." Apollo nodded his head with Athena doing the very same and then it felt all one sided. "We know you'll do anything for her...and lately, you've been bending backwards for her and fulfilling all her weird food requests or in general. I mean, I guess I can understand, maybe? She just got out of the hospital less than 3 weeks ago...I guess that's love! You gotta be whipped!"

"You really shouldn't take that lesson from this situation, it's unique." Phoenix began but a quick gaze from Holly and his heart fluttered as everything began to slightly calm down in the office. Everything about her was unique from their meeting, parting then meeting again just 3 weeks ago. He really had been trying to make her happy and she seemed grateful but that sorrow weighed on her more, and more. Loneliness made her shut up a lot of the time but doing these things like running and going to a 24 hour grocery store to get her favorite cherry ice cream only prolonged the inevitable and he saw that. She always rewarded him with a quick smile, one she hid behind but she genuinely tried to thank him. They didn't make love much since that day she woke up but it was still special but she felt blocked and the trial would resume tomorrow if not today, and Blackquill would be the prosecution.

Phoenix hadn't forgotten what he discussed with the prosecutor. Dammit it to hell. Why did it pain him more to see her anguish?

These love letters didn't help, they just worsen the situation more.

He'd have to close their personal PO BOX, that was for sure and for her sake, too, but how in the hell did everyone find their address? No, it wasn't their personal one but their business one. How could he stop something like love letters? He frowned a bit before giving up with a shrug. They'd have to live with it until a solution could be found.

"Hey, chin up. Smile a bit more, okay? If you're worried about the trial, tomorrow, or whenever it is, I'm still defending you."

"I told you again and again that it's not necessary and-"

"Even if we weren't involved, I'd still take you on as my client, but since we are, I have more of a duty to do it."

"Stop acting like a prince trying to save me from some fierce fire breathing dragon but, I have no choice in this matter. I mean I could defend myself but that's a disaster and a cluster fuck waiting to happen; I trust you waaaay more than myself in the ways of the law." She confided in softly turning his hands over in hers.

"You aren't worried about the prosecution?"

"You'll crush him! He doesn't scare me with his samurai shtick."

"Holly, this isn't like before and I mean this, but I'll prove your innocence on my life and record, of course."

"Then, I'm trusting you, Mr. Phoenix Wright with this! We can't have a bigger family, more kids if I'm in jail, you know? I mean...have you had any thoughts to that?"

"M-More kids?"

"Yes! I wanna have 2 or 3- you know..."

"We'll discuss that later of course, Mrs. Wright."


Then tomorrow could be the decisive day for them all and he'd be ready for it. God, he hoped he could be.

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