Mirror Mirror

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Having a girlfriend at Phoenix's age was quite interesting and maybe exhilarating especially since she kept being klutzy throughout the office and occasionally poking at Apollo's hair as if mesmerized by it.

Another endearing trait-easily amused by all things.

Who would throw her away like that?

Was she really going to be killed? It weighed on Phoenix every night as they slept separated from her afraid of what he might do to her. A man and a woman in bed together.

Debased entirely.

Still, it could happen but she wasn't pressing because kissing was the only thing he could muster doing in private though sometimes in public and never in the court house and he had to concentrate.

He couldn't now as Gumshoe stood in front of him with a very unnerving expression on his mouth.

One single sheet of paper and a list of names and pictures of the missing.


"Unfortunately, there wasn't a true match with her description but I did make a list for you!"

Phoenix let his shoulders slump down.

"So there are possibilities that she may be one of these girls?"


"Were any of these investigated at all?"

"I marked out the ones that my team has checked out but there is a big problem, a lot of these girls aren't missing anymore. They've in other words were found but not in a way you would like."

"What do you mean?"

"Murder. It's a cold case but with your descriptions, these girls were also found in the same state as Minju except dead."

Chill ran through Phoenix's body.


"These are old case files but we are going through them now. I believe an update is needed but I oughta let you know more in a few more days. Gonna take more time."

She was meant to die from exposure but more questions piled up in his mind. Who? Why?

"Any suspects?"

"None at all. Families, lovers and more were all checked out for some of these cases, almost all have alibis."

"Then dig up as much as you can because if I believe to be correct, more murders might happen and Minju might not be the last. Keep me in the loop, detective."

"Yes sir."

No time to ponder over this cold case but to go to his next client and boy, what a doozy.

Another and familiar friend being charged with murder but how did this keep happening to Larry Butz? Phoenix noted his friend's bad luck before grabbing Minju away from Apollo and heading to the detention center where Larry awaited, breathing hard on the glass.

"Oh, NICKY, you came! Who is that cutie?!"

Larry's eyes lit up as Minju sat cross legged in her highly coordinated business attire though she looked troubled walking in those heels but Phoenix would catch her.

"Did you forget why I'm here, Larry?"

"I didn't but can you like ..."

"She's Minju and she's my girlfriend, Larry...now, I will be defending you of course but-"

"Dammit, Nick! Stop taking all the girls!"

Minju nervously giggled.

Phoenix let out his exasperation as he fidgeted in his seat.

"Larry, this isn't the time-"

"Does Trucy know? Oh my God, Nick, you got her a mother! She's gonna love you more."

Rambling and ranting on, Larry was still special to Phoenix.

Why did Trucy have to be brought up? Even if he hadn't heard from his daughter in a week or two, she was fine as she was always to his heart inside the locket.

He'd have to call her soon to check in of course.

He missed her.


Would Minju and Trucy get along?

"This is so exciting! Nice to meet you, Mr. Butz."

"Call me, Larry. You are afterall practically family. Heh."

"She's my girlfriend, Larry...what do you mean practically family!?"

Minju caressed her hand against Phoenix's lap.

"I SAW THAT!!!! Sex, did you have it, Nick!? With her!?"

"LARRY THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR THAT!!!" Phoenix found his voice and he was shouting and Minju was almost encouraging Larry by her giggles. "And please stop encouraging him, it's going to get worse."

"You're funny, Mr. Butz."

"It's Larry and it's a honor. But I'm not worried because my good old pal Nick will get me freed."

"You seem so sure of that?"

"Of course Mimi," Larry grinned from ear to ear.

"Mimi?" Minju repeated.

"My buddy's girlfriend needs a nickname, too. Besides, the real guy that did this is still out there or at least, it isn't me. You know that right, Nick!?"

"Of course, Larry." Phoenix took over the conversation steadily before continuing it with Larry as Minju listened intently.

At the end, Phoenix realized that the day wasn't quite over but suddenly the urge sprung up and as soon as the office engulped them, he pinned Minju to the wall, ravishing her mouth quite delicately.

Tiny moans erupted and the fueled him further until the tightness in his pants became too much to ignore. Could he do that to her?

Now? Before Larry's trial?

He had to focus.

Her fingers dangled on the edge of his belt, unbuckling and fetching that lonely button before it too was unlocked.

She knew what she was doing.



"Should we have it here or...I can't do this to you, I can't." He was protesting meekly but it was growing like his erection.

He couldn't hold his impulses and even though worries came flooding to his mind maybe after, he had to have her, had to feel her at least once or maybe more if she allowed.

His pants came down and his nakedness wasn't seen as her eyes were shut nevertheless he thrusted inside her.


So obscene but ultimately relishing in it.

He kept up the motion and she got louder and louder, almost screaming as the intensity hit her. So warm and tight and without protection, too. Dammit. It wasn't like him to not think at all but whatever consequences befell them both, he'd be there.

He buried his head into her brunette locks and closed his own eyes to finish all he'd do.

He loved her.

There was no way around it.

He didn't know her mostly but he loved her now. He loved the person she was blossoming into and whoever she was before, it didn't matter. She was Minju, honestly.

"I love you."

He came in that instance and gracefully held her together afterwards.

All moments that changed.

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