Weight of The World

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"Are you okay, Mrs. Wright?"

What had Simon Blackquill admitted to the court? Wouldn't that be part of the testimony from her? Phoenix couldn't seem to comprehend her many dizzying spells and here, she happened to black out only to be seen more of a suspect despite her troubling tears. Would it be time to use the magatama? Then without realizing, the chains came on and the psyche locks appeared but there was a problem, a big one.

A single black psyche lock, dammit.

Holly Wright, motionless and holding up her buckled knees and Apollo had to resist rushing over even if Phoenix, himself felt the urge to be her support, her Simon loved her yet despised her. Why did the girl here maintain that rage in him? She had resisted his charms or lack of, maybe breaking the lock was the key, but how delicate could he be? She was permitting his chance to use the magatama, willingly, she had the faith to believe through her sniffling.

"I'm s-sorry for making everyone worry...for losing what future we had..."

Her empty womb.

"It isn't over, it's just beginning; please Holly, stay with me, okay?"

"P-Phoenix?" Meek and subdued but brushing aside the dreams radiating in those clear blue eyes, and the regret of previous actions hanging over her like a bad cloud, the storm subsiding yet no laughter. Nothing but blankness. He'd rescue her from this despair."I have more to add to my testimony..."

"Let's hear it then." The judge recommended softly.

"I remember that night...the fire anyhow," the black psyche lock quaked until it disintegrated and the chains fled from Phoenix's sight, metaphorically. "Simon and I made a promise to marry when we were about I don't know, teenagers...and that car accident was done on purpose. My parents purposely tried to kill us and me. They never truly loved me, in fact, the car accident was an excuse to use their science to engineer someone so perfect but Simon, here, saved my life...and killed my parents for me. I didn't ask him to nor would I but in my heart, he did it for me. He's always doing that and the fire was his idea anyhow, I bet. Please your honor, spare him the cruelest punishment you set for murderers! He's really not one!"

"No matter the reasons, Holly, the truth must prevail."

"Please d-don't Phoenix. Please don't. I can't lose someone else..."

Over him? No, it was only sentiments. She didn't love Simon, and Phoenix could muster up the touching, the very love making they did and while, it felt too real, he couldn't and wouldn't give her up so easily. He hadn't loved someone in a long time and she captivated his heart almost instantly with her fragility and here on display, it began. She was using her old sentiments, feelings to save someone that she once cared for, simply more or less. Could he just ignore the truth of what Blackquill did? In any capacity?

"My job is to find the truth no matter how painful and deep it can be, and even if you end up hating me...it's what I have to take."

"I see, then. I won't get in your way, then. I trust and believe in you, Mr. Wright. After all, you're amazing and that's one reason I married you, so don't forget."

"Then I OBJECT TO THIS SHOW. Let Simon Blackquill testify."

"No need to, Wright-dono." Simon Blackquill responded instantly as Phoenix's finger pointed at the accused and finally earning respect. Finally, submitting to it all. "I suppose jail is where I go." hands put together as if awaiting the inevitable.

"You're..g-giving up already?" Surprised.

"Of course. It's all true as she says. I saved her and...those bodies, I'm responsible for bringing them here."


"Why, I did it to find her. I lost that suitcase that she was in for a long time till the memory passed and the fire quelled then I saw her with you...let's say, I made a point to her."

"Then the violating-"

"No more, Wright-dono."

He did it to make a point...was the day that Phoenix met her, she was raped by Blackquill? Phoenix's stomach ached at the thought of someone being rough and forceful on her without her consent. No, he couldn't let her get victimized by Blackquill anymore.


Holly's face darken for a moment before lightening.

"Phoenix, he admitted the truth and now will have to deal with the consequences. Sounds about right, huh? Now, you owe me something, honey."

Sweet sickly pink tinkled Phoenix's lips and upper face briefly and he knew it would have been so long since they've been...well..together as man and wife even if she got some special treatment; she still retained her residence at the detention center and his longing stirred in his heart. Absence made the heart fonder in ways he couldn't quite acknowledge but did so anyhow.

"What? What does she owe you?" The Judge asked.

Apollo smacked his large forehead.

"Really, Mr. Wright!? Really? Here of all places? Good grief." Apollo exclaimed miserably and with an arm to his back, Phoenix laughed nervously. He was what Holly called a horn dog even if he expressed his sexual desires towards her, even if it was borne out of love.

She smirked as Simon Blackquill was escorted out and Phoenix and her reunited as she piggied back on him, grateful, hanging her arms around his neck.

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