Treasure Every Meeting

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It was all so sudden but Phoenix had taken the plunge into holy matrimony and thanks to Holly began recalling her full name- Holly Nakamura of Nakamura Pharmacological Labs, and thus, they were able to proclaim their status as husband and wife, even if that was a clue, her surname being revealed did nothing else for the case.

Or did it?

"It looks empty." Holly observed sadly and Phoenix could sense her disappointment instantly as her grip began to lessen and he had to tighten when it felt they would be torn apart.

"Holly- I really don't think it's-"

"What else can we do, beloved? I mean, this is my family's business after all and I know virtually nothing on it except for the name and even less what kind of drugs they invented or-"

"Then, we'll do this together because we made a vow, a vow that can't be broken. I mean, it could but, I don't want it. Regardless, we have to be careful. This place looks like it was vandalized a lot and vacant for years."

Her eyes lit up at the mention of their rather quick marriage, almost Vegas style but Phoenix knowing quickly, she'd eventually want a traditional wedding later down the line and maybe after this case even if it broke his wallet.

Oh boy.

She pecked his cheek lightly, now swimming in the firey warmth radiating from his skin.

He enjoyed the feel even if it was intended to calm her nerves and help him find clarity in this place for not only her sake but the poor dead women.

His hand instinctually went to his pocket but his phone wasn't there and for once, he felt regret at leaving it behind, yet, how did he think everyone reacted to that short note?

It wasn't sufficient.

Was it?

The way to the vacant and sordid buildings was difficult to access but not totally blocked yet, he could see that Holly couldn't go further as nature had overtaken the foundation, and her feet couldn't reach the step.

Her lips quivered before he allowed her to climb on his back as he cautiously went further down into the building.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"No. I love how you cling to me, honest, Holly."

"Now don't be-"

"It actually feels good to be needed and relied upon in the way you provide. Holly, honey, Here you go."

He lifted her down and allowed her to explore further into the building even if the derelict remains still felt haunting thought he never strayed too far behind.

What would they find?

Rooms and rooms of broken glass and then as the scenes transformed, it became ominous and he lost track of Holly, only ever seeing her silhouette briefly.

Soon, it became apparent to him that this was way out of his league as the rooms' colors transformed completely, to green and finally blue but what really stopped him was the rooms' contents.

"Holly, honey? Where did you go?"



The rooms were the same as he dashed through them only to see...

" this me? Who is this? Why was my family...?"

"Holly, listen,"

"No. These women are me...I'm not..."

She struggled to pour out her words as he realized that someone was in those tubes, something as well, but this didn't bode well for her or him.

"Whatever your family did, it doesn't reflect on you, now. Whatever you're thinking, whoever these people are, you are still-"

She crumpled to the floor and he failed to grasp her in time, so all his ears heard was a full thud but instantly he kneeled holding onto her neck supporting her the way he could.

"I remember, Phoenix. I killed my parents...I need to...I also died, too...but why am I...? Simon? Who is Simon?"





He laid her on his lap before glancing upward to the unfamiliar person suddenly there.

Simon Blackquill?

"Phoenix Wright."

"Prosecutor Blackquill? What are you-"

A blade at Phoenix's throat that quietly lowered as tension slowly simmered down. What was he doing here?

Blackquill refused to answer, turning his back immediately and all Phoenix could do was stare at the tubes now recognizing the people inside and knew why Holly had fainted.

They were her.


"Leave, if you want to spare the truth."

"I seek the truth, that's what I do. Listen to me-" he stood up holding her gently as if not to wake her even if she wasn't sleeping, but he tried to follow Blackquill.

"Listen, Wright, she's awake for a reason, to solve this decades old murder conspiracy."

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