With The Stars and Us

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"What's it like?"


Phoenix's attention returned back to a nearly dazed Minju, and it was only after a day of Larry's trial that the judge granted them a second day, a relief for the defense.

"Being a defense attorney."

"I like it. It's exhilarating and I can do good in the world."

"Do you think I could do that too? I mean, something do something good like you and Apollo?"

"I am sure you could,"

She stopped moving, hands dangling to her chest, as if she was hurt.

"You're just saying that since you're my boyfriend, right? I mean, I don't know. I'm just scared to know who I was before...what if I'm like those criminals that you help find?"

What could be even say?

He swooped down and kissed her, as if tasting her tears made it any better. Could that be enough? Could he even think of what she was really like? Could he stomach that truth?

"I really love you, Phoenix Wright."

Sincere and gorgeous.

"I don't think your past matters. Mine was bad but it's better now, and all it takes is one moment to change it all."

"You're probably right." She shifted her feet again hastily and began to run at full speed, all the while tugging at Phoenix's sleeve for him to go faster.

He struggled to keep the pace almost as the stabs of cold air penetrated his lungs.

He was too old for this and it was almost November and the chilly weather happened to fall on them suddenly but Athena failed to get Minju a coat, so Phoenix shivered in the elements while she was cozy, but at least that.

At least she was saved from the winter season.

The inside of the apartment didn't excite him either and he pulled her to his breast, stirring steadier breaths as her own was faint; and he had to shake her repeatedly frightened to know if she was gone-no, just a irrational fear that he had to let go.

She was alive now and that mattered even if she clung to him more.

He enjoyed that new sense of reliability that he earned and all because of her. The need to be needed more than ever prompted him to be better than before.

Trucy invoked that too.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm tired now but, I don't want you to continually sleep on the floor. Please, Phoenix."


No protest could win but with her pout, which she was perfecting, it snagged him.

He undressed as she headed into the shower and in between the moments he so praised, passed and he waited under the bed sheets.

Sleep found him first, alone.

Dreamless nights were in store for him...

He awoke as her body shifted against his, arms draping on his waist, while she kept muttering about incoherent things though sometimes he heard his name.

"Minnie?" He called into the darkness.

"Phoenix, I can't sleep anymore." She tried to sit up but with all his mightiness, he grasped her, towering over her and in his position of power, the hunger multiplied. "Are you...?"

"I guess I am. Finally,"

"Then at the office...?"

"A formality, maybe." He grinned smooching down from the crook of her neck to the exposed breast plate then his fingers took the task stroking the very fine lines of her cheekbones before jumping down her chest; hands were sweaty but he grabbed one breast and she squealed; one became two, and finally he could examine her from his angle, naked and as pure as him. "But this isn't. I plan on making it nice for you."

"It hurt a bit last time..."

"I don't know if it will continue to but I promise not to make it hurt anymore."

She held a breath before exhaling through her nose, and he dug deep with his nails on her back, but leaving no real lasting damage as the only lingering pain was him thrusting in and out of her. It wasn't like him to give into anyone let alone another girl after having his own heart damaged in that way.

"Oh, Phoenix, you're...t-too sweet for me."

"I'm all you want, I know. I guess, anyhow." He had to have a small chuckle at his own expense, right? He never tried to be full of himself, only to know that being that egoistical could have lasting repercussions on him and his clients.

"Come here, beloved Phoenix."

He went scarlet as she said that without pause, and thinking perhaps but wasn't she correct? Though easily flustered wasn't his typical expression but bringing it out proved it existed. He'd get to the bottom of this and if in the end came to her being accused of any crime, he would defend. He would protect her.

Would it come to that conclusion then?

The next hours were delicate as they cuddled in bed, and as she swoon to sleep although it took more, him leaving the bed as the phone rang.

His trusted Nokia.

He couldn't dare part with it.

"Hello? What is it?"

Any lasting color drained as he dressed hurriedly clinging to his phone in utter abject terror.

They had found more girls and in the way that was described but dead and at various locations around the city. It was harder and harder to ignore that Minju wasn't involved but what was her role? Why keep her alive and not anyone else?

"On my way."

He glanced a bit at the swirly haired Minju sleeping without a care, as if serenity was hers alone but a nightmare was descending on them all.

The door promptly shut as he took notice of Apollo there waiting impatiently and glum.

There was more to this case, huh? Phoenix had asked Gumshoe to keep tabs on the cases but to what end was this madness?

"I don't think he told you, but those girls aren't just dead but violated. Phoenix, whoever is doing this-they..."

"Apollo, I need you to take over Larry's case while I figure this out with Athena."


"Is she already briefed on the cases? Where is she?"

"She's with the detective."

Oh God.

Did that mean Minju was also...violated in that way? Who could hurt any of these girls? Why degrade them alive? He ruined any chance of Minju being tested as his own DNA would be found but, could he subject her to that unflinching horror?

He had screwed up big time.

"But for now, I want you to stay here. Look after Minju, all right?"

"You really love this girl after knowing nothing about her. Why, Phoenix? Is she really worth the trouble?"


"Oh well. I guess I'll accept your judgement."

"Thanks Apollo."

Call Phoenix a hopeless romantic still.

Call him whatever but he was still a defense attorney and a damn good one with a lot of renown.

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