Holly in Wonderland Part 1

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Stillness amongst the chatter and quarrels in the courtroom and a sudden disregard for Holly the defendant, made her gaze wander from the defense to the prosecution and Simon Blackquill's smug face, to a slight jingle of something yellow like gold.

Was it the locket or something else?

The sound caught her worse and she fidgeted in her chair as the objections and arguments continued but finding herself bored and ultimately sidetracked from everyone as faces began blurring.

Remaining constant was the sight of yellow, the gold dangling in front of her face, but she was startled suddenly but no one paid her no mind as if she wasn't in their scene.

Would it be okay if she left now? Would she be noticed?


She had to stay put however, infuriating it was, but her attention kept being drawn away by now a thing-a sound, like a clock. An old fashion clock.

Then a flash of color and someone familiar.


What was he doing running away from the bench? What was going on and did he have rabbit ears on? She slowly detached herself from the chair before sneaking away and it was through this, things got stranger.

"Where did you go Apollo? What's going on-"

Then she heard it as she left the courtroom then finally the defendant lobby and Apollo was running faster.

"Hey! Where are you going? Hey, Apollo!"

Running, herself, she heard something more.

"I'm lateeee...she's gonna cut off my head."

What? What was Apollo talking about? Why was he leaving the courtroom and why would he be hurt for being late? Her head throbbed before she realized she wasn't in the court house anymore or anywhere she recognized.


Damn, Trucy and how her nicknames rubbed off Holly but it was endearing.

She was an endearing child.

Glad now that Phoenix adopted her and now, Holly could too since they were married but what was it now?

Why was Apollo going further from Holly? And could she continued this on foot despite panting. Why couldn't he just stop? Where in the hell was he going? Wasn't he helping Phoenix with her defense?

Was it hopeless?

"Stop crying. Is that all you do, little girl?"

"L-Little girl, what do you--"

She gasped at the sight of the surroundings...but her tears caught her the worse as the new voice's tone was rather condescending and even cold.


"Stop your tears, already, you'll wake up the whole forest-"

"I don't know what you mean by that? I am no little girl and I know that I hurt you but...I am sorry..."

"WHAT are you babbling about!?" Edgeworth's face went straight to hers but no, he was dressed differently, almost whimsical and even crueler. Was that even possible?

"You are so rude-I'm trying to apologize for my behavior earlier-"

"I don't think we've met."

"How can that be?"

"I would remember a little troublesome girl."

She stomped her foot annoyed at Edgeworth's behavior and now, he was smoking rings around her. What the hell.

What the hell was going on?

Was this still a fever dream? Was she still at home? With Phoenix? Before she knew it, she was wandering from Edgeworth and into a thicket of bushes and foilage.

A fever dream.

A dream of such imagination and it came from her.

Then more clatter and into a clearing as she had lost Apollo in this mess.

If it was a dream, couldn't she enjoy it then?

What a wonderland.

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