Holly in Wonderland Part 2

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Dreams were mystical in all their ways when it was only the mind sleeping and processing so much but what did this wonderland mean to Holly?

"I wonder indeed."

"Who said that? Simon?"

He was Simon Blackquill but not in his usual attire and like Apollo and even Edgeworth, he was magical and furry.

"Wrong, but are we really?"

"Stop talking like that! You know it's really you I'm mad at but, maybe you aren't really Simon that I know of? Regardless, I wanna go home."

"Oh? Can you find the way back?"

"Of course, I gotta find Polly as he's the reason why I'm here...if I hadn't followed him...is this real?"

"Why wouldn't this be real?"

She was stirred at Simon but could he really mean that? Was all of the law and even her own trial a sham? A fantasy and this was the reality she put herself in? Why the false memories then? No, her lips tingled at the thoughts and experiences of the intimacy of Phoenix and the lasting reminder of kiss by Simon. Disgusting. Overwhelming.

"This is a dream and I'll do what I want then!"

Simon the cat as his black and white stripped tail curled around her feet and only retreated as she began marching forward. This was purely nonsense.

Then with her back turned again, she continued on into the clearing and spied a whole table and people that looked like Phoenix and Larry, and they were consuming tea and loads of it; plus the whole wasting of it as it spilled and soaking up in the ground and white table cloth. Could she intrude? This dream could only end if she found Apollo to the destination but did she follow the correct past Simon the cat?

"OH LITTLE LADY!" She realized it was Phoenix but he looked utterly mad and that top hat was even worse, but he gestured for her to hurry on over as Larry the hare stuck a whole tea pot's content into his mouth, swishing the contents around and around before declaring..

"Best tea, hatter!"

"I'm glad you loved it! It's simply superb! Now, little lady, come enjoy this tea!"

Phoenix the mad hatter (as she thought he should be called), pulled her closer with his inviting eyes and familiarity that she couldn't quite pass up. He looked like the defense attorney but so silly and even frivolous; though it wasn't too far from him but to have a complete disregard for anything serious? For the law? He was chaotic and even emotional at times but that made him the best damn lawyer in the world, best defense lawyer..

Larry was perfectly him here, maybe a bit more erratic and a bit too much loving tea.

She sat and tea was passed her way but before sipping it, Larry the hare took it. What?

"Tsk Tsk, rude, Hare. Ruuuude."

"It's okay, Pho-"

"Mad hatter." He corrected while tipping his hat.

"I'll remember that. I'm-"

"Alice, right?"

She shook her head.

"No, I'm afraid. Holly."

He smiled handing her a tiny tea cup, and she finally took a long sip even if she didn't like tea, she was graceful. Maybe she was rash in doing what she wanted? These were still people and flurries and that Mad Hatter still looked like Phoenix Wright and had some mannerisms of the attorney...

"Holly, I love that name."


"I love you, Holly..." The Mad Hatter exclaimed pouring her more tea and bringing her closer as her cheeks brightened. Phoenix was in there, figuring this world had been created by her, Holly Wright.

"I see you found her, Mad Hatter."

Found her?

"Now excuse me-"

"You can't leave yet! The best part of tea time is coming up!" Larry Mad Hare cried out as he began running up and down the table cloth and subsequently crashing the dishes, the tea pots and cups almost down on Holly.

"Now, Holly dear, stay safe. Ignore the Mad Hare. He's just too excited for the tea and crumpets-"

As much as she desired to stay, as much as her hands could muster, she pushed herself up.

"I can't anymore, I can't stay. I'm sorry, Mad Hatter." She bowed and almost found the separation constraining. Why? Why was it difficult to deny herself any love even in her imagined world? This wonderland? "I really gotta go now."

"No, Holly-"

"No, I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. The whole weight of the world is on me now."

She was just one girl. She had the whole weight and no one could hear her now, and despite shouting it out, it couldn't be meaningless, right? Mad Hatter Phoenix looked distraught but maybe if she kept believing, she'd continue.


Losing that laughter and smile, the gentleness of the breezes and the lingering scent of cherry blossoms floated into her subconsciousness but they wouldn't know. They wouldn't know with the end of everything, the loss of her child and in what she considered complete selfishness and then, Simon.

She didn't notice the darkest forest creeping around her, and when she fell, it was all she could do and lay there, lay there and give up to the despair climbing in her.

"Are you always going to cry?"

"GO away, cat."

"What a young lady to be so mean, did you find what you were looking for?"

"No. I just want to wake up...I just want this to end."

"Why should it? You created it all. Only you have the say."

Memories were just that and feeling the gravity shift about her, her figure rose and a new sense of determination filled in the cracks and holes of a heart long watered too much. Holding it in only made the possibilities worse and she'd go on. She'd go on indeed.

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