Don't Be So Serious

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There quivering on the stillness of an embrace that would never come, as Holly Wright saw her likeness reflected in the same eyes that she once loved and believed in. The different Simon Blackquill that was her prosecutor but tonight, he was a man in despair, in a deeper sentiment than sorrow, and it lulled and dulled; but bringing back he was asking the impossible. Wordless, even now.

The locket.

Still, loneliness in each other's presence as they both had transformed into people that were suffocating under the guise of memories; who needed them anyhow? So burdensome.

Uncertainly still tied them.

What could the words be now?

Awkward and something true. Did he desire that from her? Well, she couldn't change the situation and to go against her better judgement, she approached Simon with trepidation. How could they know? They wouldn't tremble in joy but no kiss would suffice the support he desperately sought.

Not from her.

"You have one choice,"

"That's it?" She cried paralyzed with trembling agony reaching and stroking the very heart she sought to suppress. Why was he doing this? Revenge? Revenge for what? "you do realize your scare tactic won't work because my husba-"

Grabbing her violently, almost making her choke back her words and trip over her feet.

It was unexpected but the yearning held firm on his face, even if he painted himself as stoic but he was no hero, a villain and one that wanted the world to bend to him or most importantly for her to love him again.

"That's the problem. I love you. "

"What did you s-say?"

She heard it as he shook her and she raised her hands to shield her face and the springing forth tears.

"You were meant to be found by me, not Wright."

"What are you saying? Do you mean you meant be my savior?"

"You lost your memories due to your sleep. The sleep that saved your life. I thought in time you'd come back to me after Wright found you. It never happened and in fact, you despise me."

She had listened before in the court about her so called death and rebirth with Phoenix but as her face grew dark, it couldn't be. He couldn't change the feelings that blossomed between them so why did her love fade for Simon? Why did it never reenter her mind after losing that amnesia?

"You call that saving? What my parents did were unethical and immoral plus irresponsible and look at them now. I'm being charged with their murder and because of you no doubt. What more do I need feel towards you? I hate you, Simon Blackquill." Vehement loathing could be given his way and with several swipes of a back hand, he graciously accepted it but his grip came back, hauntingly hard. "Besides, you can't change someone's feelings like that. It doesn't work like that."

"It will."

"Whoa, you're overstepping your boundary, here-"

A kiss came and she cried, balling up a fist before she threw herself down. No more.



Sobbing uncontrollably and unable to hide the black streaks of her mascara running down.

This kiss only attempted to severe more of her psyche and worse a soul that she didn't dare claim at her own but what Simon prepared to ask was undoable and impossible.

She couldn't stop loving that lovable Phoenix Wright.

She couldn't stop seeing his doofus face and his laughter echoing in her mind but hadn't she been betrayed by it all?

Even the cherry blossoms around them couldn't diminish the resolve of her will against Simon's but all she could hear behind the ruckus and ruffle of footsteps beneath her was her own breathing. The same that threatened to kill her all the same.

She knew why the suicide attempt happened..this would be a problem tomorrow at the trial. The very same that pained her so greatly and with that, she collapsed into her subconscious and let the ground be her bed.

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