Peace Reigns in the Land

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The sorrow.

The trauma of knowing what a life was and how easily it could be decided was enough to silence a person and that's the day, her voice abandoned her.

Even if Phoenix didn't understand it fully and if Blackquill didn't explain, Holly acknowledged it.

What had she realized?

What truth could there be?

Phoenix sat in his office, maybe not so alone but with Holly staring into the void as if recapturing forgotten memories and Athena rubbed her back with a look of dejection.

Apollo was gone for the moment, and in Phoenix's absence, Larry was of course acquitted but Phoenix hadn't doubted his old friend's innocence even for a second, but his eyes held the vision of that moment in that building. Why had she insisted in finding out her past?

No, she had the right to know.

"I think, maybe-" Athena's voice piqued up immediately as his train of thought ended and he sat poised to absorb all she had to speak on.

"Are you sure the doctors said that?"

"Yes. There wasn't any real physical trauma but rather, mentally. Oh, what can we do? I should ask why you left so suddenly but I guess I can understand."

Oh yes, the note.

He got a big earful from Maya and Pearl, even expecting it from his own staff, too but they weren't even fazed, in fact, they were all too joyful when learnt that he got married. It was rather romantic even if no ring set on her and his finger, their oath was eternal but once, they settled back in, Holly lost the ability to speak.

"How could you, NICK! We were worried sick!"

"YEAH! Mr. Nick!"

Maya frowned heavily, and tried to look relieve but Phoenix knew deep down that she disapproved of his behavior and especially running off late at night. Her, being a sister to him and before that, an assistant that helped solve case after case, but this? Could she forgive him? And if her reaction was any indication, would everyone else feel the same?

God help him.

Should he still get one now?

How poor he'd be but wasn't it worth it for her? Maybe she'd smile and at least talk again, right? Even if he did use his ability to look at her memories, he couldn't risk it damaging her further. Plus, use it on his wife? His Holly? He even wasn't prepared to see what she experienced.

"I mean, I didn't expect that from you but I guess love is a powerful force and you, and her, seem to be so much in love but- I guess, I can't say I didn't see you both marrying so fast, I didn't think anyone did."

He hadn't told everyone yet. Not yet, until he got rings.

"Maybe I rushed it a bit, but sometimes you know."

"You really think? Anyhow, wait-"


"YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE IT!" Apollo yelled kicking the door open and carrying several bouquets of flowers-some roses, tulips and forget me nots, and all, with red cards and words that Phoenix couldn't quite make out. "EVERYONE KNOWS!"

"What! How could-"

"Maya Fey."

How could she? Wait, this was Maya he was talking about and of course, how could she stop talking about his own elopement and subsequent marriage to a girl he rescued? It was surely out of a drama though the mystery of Holly's life made him think about using the magatama even more, but could that worsen her symptoms?

"Holly!" The voices cried in unison as gathered the bouquets and laid her head in the opening petals and possibly smiling for once, and with the tension disappearing from Phoenix's heavy shoulders, he thought perhaps hope could be delivered; and she'd get her voice back sooner than later.

"Thank you, Apollo. I love them so much, and Phoenix,honey, could you start writing notes to thank them all?"

"Holly! You're speaking again!"

Truer words were spoken even if her voice was quite raspy and uncertain but her hands delicately caressed the tips of the flowers before holding them to her breast.

"I love them so much; I've never had least, I don't remember if I did but they're so lovely, and the people listed here, Edgeworth and even Larry. Maybe something good came out of this."

"You're prettier, far prettier than any flower."

"You flatter me, too much, Mr. Wright." She giggled, simmering in the red that flushed onto her cheeks as she hid her head further into the opening petals. "You're way too good for me. I don't feel like I deserve you sometimes, don't worry-I mean, we made the right choice, of course. I'm glad you trusted me, a girl you rescued."

"I wish there was more to be done-"

"I'm sure in due time, honey. I'm sure that whatever happens now, is far from over and can be solved, at least together with this whole office-Apollo, I know you were distrustful of me, but I have Phoenix's and your best interest in mind. I really think you're a cutie and your loyalty to my husband is cute and Athena, thank you from the bottom of my heart for encouraging this relationship, and you're also so cute, too!" Holly beamed throwing her arms around Phoenix's necks and shyly kissing his cheeks a few times in quick succession, even as Apollo caught the bouquets.

"I guess you're alright and if Mr. Wright thinks so-I'm okay with it."

"You're so pretty! AHHHHHHH, Phoenix needs love, too! We're always supporting each other, no matter what! Oh, have you met his daughter, Trucy?"

"Trucy? Daughter? Huh?"

"Yes, Holly honey, well, adopted daughter. I haven't had a chance to tell her about you-"

"Does that mean, I'll be a mom to her?"

"If you wish to, and I would love you to."

There was a second or two that Phoenix thought she'd explode or at least cry, her most valuable talent but, she took a bigger breath that he'd ever seen and put a finger or two to her lips, smirking.

"I hope I'm not terrible at it and I hope she likes me too, I mean, I still don't really know the type of person that I am...Phoenix, I hardly know about your own past-I wish I could ask these questions, but I don't want to pry too much and I know now isn't the time but I hope you can tell me later."

"Of course. I plan on telling you everything."

"Thank you, honey."

"No need for any thank yous here, you're last."

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