My Only Love

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"I don't want to die...mommy? Daddy?!!"



The smell of rotting flesh and the burns exhibiting all over little Holly's body despite the despair and loneliness lingering, a hand came out and she grasped it. Life wasn't meant to die for.

"You' could you? Mommy and daddy are..."

"Alright. They're alright, my mermaid."

"SImon, please...I'm so scared..."

Holding her limp body as darkness overtook her.

Memories are just that, memories of something lost.

"Stop screaming girl. We're doing this for you." The women in the black coat rebuked as needles and all sorts of monstrous instruments penetrated poor little Holly with Simon Blackquill by her side.


"We're be together after you wake up, okay? I'll promise that."

"S-Simon, I love you." Her voice strained and dying as her body transformed and again, consciousness drifted but his hands were open as the locket radiated with the small ring inside. A silly promise ring. They were too young to marry at 15 and 17 respectively but he didn't think twice on it, neither could she.


"P-Promise my dear Simon that...we'll...kiss again. I wanna...never...don't forget when we met."

"You'll sleep for awhile but it's okay. I'll be back, mermaid. I'll always find my way to you."

"It h-hurts..."

She was curled up and promptly placed in a cryogenic suitcase wrapped carefully with all vulnerabilities shown; her body needed time to heal and if it took a hundred years, Simon Blackquill could wait. He'd never forget that time they met in that park, in that way with her singing so beautifully but would her voice return? Could he trust her disfigured and dying parents of hers?

Spurts of blood dripped and showered from their mouths are their injuries continued to plague them, then as Simon left it all behind, the suitcase in his possession; he remarked to himself slowly that he couldn't trust them after all.

"We had no choice! That's all we could's a fair trade off."

"You just ended her life that way...what's the point of slowing down aging if she doesn't get a fair chance at a long lifespan?"

"That's really the extent of our doesn't matter if it fails for we have backups and we'll transfer her soul-"

Rage blinded him and with a thud, glass shattered, why was it so difficult that her soul was hers alone no matter the body? That the original was the superior kind?

"You never cared for her as I's clear..."


"No. You'll be judged accordingly."


"NO! This can't be....she's waking up...SHUT THE CASE! She's not ready yet!"

Holly's eyes widen as the devastation of her parents dying all over again as a single blade ran through them together, but before reacting more, she dozed back into her crystal state, sleeping all over again.


Simon's yell reverberated as he was swiped across the palms by a hidden knife and as he staggered, would he lose to the memories that clouded him? That's when it had to burn.

That's why it burnt.

The blaze was intentional.

The blaze that heard them screaming and pleading for saviors, There were none.

He burnt it all to the ground, took what was his and left. They were more than monsters, inhumane and worse off, how could they lie about that when he confronted them?

How long would the locket keep holding his precious secrets? Their memories?

Sleepless nights as he saw the falling cherry blossoms outside; was it spring already? What would she say to this sight?

So how did Simon Blackquill lose it all then? Why did she wake up with Phoenix Wright?

Why didn't her memories return? And why did she have to fall in love with that idiotic defense attorney and could Simon even approach her now? Now that found a new memory. What he could do was approach Edgeworth and put a plan into motion.

He was so sorry but she died then.

Holly Nakamura was dead.

She was dead to him.

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