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Six years ago...

I've dreamt of this moment, the night when I am officially allowed to attend the Gala. I am "of age" according to Vati, but not permitted to fully participate in the event. So, unlike every other person who will be there, I won't be able to drink, dance without Vati's approval, or even play a measly game of cards! All because my parents decided to not use protection all those years ago.

"Victoria, dear! Your father wants to see you!" The sweet voice of Mama beckoned me from below, her Southern drawl rolling out with each syllable.


"Awe! You look beautiful my dear! He's in his office," Mama turned back towards the entry-way mirror and gazed admiringly at her reflection.

"Vati?" I spoke in German then knocked lightly, careful not to make any excess noise. "May I come in?"

"Ja! Victoria come in," the dry and raspy voice of my father echoed through the darkness.

"You-you wanted to see me, Vati?" I stepped into the forbidden room, Vati's office.

"Ja. Tonight is de Gala as you know, and we will be riding with Antonio's family. Their son shall accompany you as your partner for de evening. No questions? Good, now leave!" His accent broke through, making the i's prominent.

The night proceeded. After lacing the remaining strings of my midnight off-the-shoulder gown, I applied minimal make-up and quickly ruffled my curls with some water.

"Caio, Miss? Your tather sent me up here to escort you down," a heavily Italian accented voice called through the door of my room.

Dashing to it, curious as to who that mischievously deep voice belonged, I held my shoes in one hand and opened the door with the other. And might I say, I fell. Whether I fell from crashing into it, the overwhelming smell of masculinity emanating from it, or from falling for it in the romantic sense, I fell.

And the deep voiced male caught me, scooped me up and steadied me.Then the man chuckled, obviously sensing the effect he had on me as I gawked up at him. He chuckled. A hollow, husky chuckle that rippled a warmth from my toes to my gut and swirled there.

"Te names Pietro. And you are... tesoro?"

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