Chapter 14

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Pietro got off the bed and stretched, his muscles tensing and veins pulsing. Dear LORD take me now! His mouthwatering body glistened in the morning light and his inked skin bold and clear. Noticing me checking him out, he walked back to the bed. "Wait here," he then took wide confident steps towards the wall then opened the door on the right and walked in.

I waited and waited. Just watching the birds outside the window and snuggling into the warm covers that smelt so very much like him. I heard the door open after probably 5minutes, and Pietro took minimal strides to reach me just to pick me up over his shoulder.

Surprisingly and yet not surprising, I was too distracted by his deliciousness that didn't realize I was face-to-face with his inked lower back and toned buttocks. More like face to butt. "Pietro!! I'm heavy! You can't po-"

He silenced me by slapping my behind! THIS MAN SLAPPED MY BUTT!!!!

"Oh no you di'nt! Pietroooooo!"I whined but didn't squirm. Let's face it. Having a devilishly handsome and oh so sexy man sling you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing and yet you actually weigh over 140lbs, that's hot.

"Come on, there ya go Tesoro!" He finally decided to set me down in the bathroom. The MASTER BATH. The whole room was either dark grey or ebony. The toilet was behind a door and it had two large sinks with dark granite countertops. Beside the door to the toilet was a all glass shower similar to the one in the guest bathroom except this was slightly smaller but had a few jets on the sidewalls. But unlike mine, where the closet was, there was a huge tube with jets and bubbles and oh so wonderful of a smell.

"Lavender?" I twirled to face Pietro who was watching me with a serious face. I love lavender. It was Mama's favorite scent. She wore it. She baked with it. She filled the house with that aroma.

Pietro's expression changed to a boyish grin. Six years have I missed his face. Six painful years. "I believe that is your favorite scent and that chocolate is your favorite flavor, correct?" He walked over to the countertop and picked up large cream ceramic mug. "Strip and get into the tub, it's already filled even though you didn't give me much time."

"I gave you plenty of time! You just woke up thinking someone was gonna kill us," I huffed while stepping out of my panties. "I mean it's not like we're the Don and Chef of two big Mafias or anything!" My lips perked into my usual smile. Life's been so dull, my face muscles are glad to have their usual position back.

"Just get in the tub, Tesoro."

"Join me then," I plopped down on the outer rim of the tub and crossed my arms over my chest. Bad move boo bear.

Pietro's chestnut orbs darkened to a chocolate hue that was full of attraction, lust, longing, desire, and possessiveness. "Don't tempt me, il mio tesoro."

"Who says that's not my goal? We're not children with parents and rules. So, join me," I retorted with an innocent smirk etching onto my face. Ow. The parents part hit it, but it made a point. 'The past is in the past' as Elsa would say.

He seemed to flinch at my choice of words, but after a millisecond of processing what I said, he responded. In a swift motion of masculine skill and underlying determination, he slid into the tub's corner that was built like a seat then yanked me down and onto his lap. "I'm in, now relax." His tone held a hidden message saying 'don't do anything'.

I lay flushed against his chest, heated hard human separated from warm tender human by a wall of thin innocent water. Both liquids began to soothe me. Pietro tipped the ceramic mug of chocolate coffee to my lips then to his, the caffeinated beverage slid down my throat like liquid gold, melting the fear away. I relaxed against his chest and let the lavender aroma fill my nostrils, eyes shut, muscles releasing stored tension.

Then the sounds of pounding feet and a buzz echoed in the marble bathroom.

"Don! Don Pietro!" A young man seeming in his late teens with blond curls and deep brown eyes rushed through the door.

Pietro hastily slid in front of me, blocking me from the poor guys view, and growled. Deeply and angrily. The coffee long forgotten now laid spilt in a puddle surrounding the shattered cream ceramic. "What!" He barked out as a demand not a question. The poor soul. He reminds me of Wilhem the last time I saw him eight years ago....

"Wa-walter is he-here to see il tuo donna," The boys voice came off a bit pitchy as he stood shaking in a gradual increase under Pietro's frightening emotionless glare. (Your woman)

"Leave." Dang so much control....

The poor guy scurried out of the room faster than you could say 'poor boy' in any language.

Pietro still sat where he had blocked me from the boy's view. His muscles tensing repeatedly. "Let's go," he stepped out and pulled me with him. He then proceeded by drying us both off with a single towel and wrapping me in one of his robes, just in case.

I followed him out of the bath and into his room, the air thick with unspoken thoughts. Pietro instantly walked to his closet, so I took that chance to dash for the door that leads to the hall. One smooth, slightly spiky peachy-vanilla leg was visible in the hall. One! Two coarse olive hands wrapped around my waist, yanking me back into the room and out of the doorway.


"No? No what?" He answers me with one word?! What is going on in that handsome head of his! Six years and I'm here! Six years and I'm finally back into his life instead of just a phone call every so often. Nearly daily and unknown to everyone around them.

He didn't reply with words, instead he removed the robe from my shoulders and slipped my arms through a black button up. His black button up. Pietro eyes me once then shoved me out of his room and across to the guest room. He was still clad in only his trousers as I was forced into the closet and his muscular masculine back receded back into the room.

I shimmied into a pair of black leggings, silk undies, a well fitting bra, and buttoned his shirt on once more. I walked out after flicking off the lights, but Pietro seemed unsatisfied by my attire.

"Change!" His eyes flashed from chestnut to a deep chocolate but his lips grimaced as if in forced disgust.

A/N haha don't even know the meaning or purpose of that! Lol 5days I haven't updated! I feel lazy! But I am a gifted procrastinator! Love y'all!

Thoughts on Wilhem? Who is he? What about the reason behind Walter's visit?

Peace~ Gen

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