Chapter 25

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Pietro's Point of View:

She looked so happy. Her joy radiated off of her like rays of light radiated off the sun. The smile she wore was more contagious than any virus.

Then why do what you did? Why aim to kidnap her? Why act dumb and shocked when you actually knew her position? Why when your men asked, did you lie? What will you gain from this?

"Sono così fottutamente stupido," I groaned, my free hand sliding down my face. Why'd I do it? I have to come clean. But how? (I'm so f**king stupid)

A soft set of fingers cupped my cheek, "Pietro? Are you alright Tzchen?"(sweetheart)

"I... I have to tell you something."

"Well then let's get to my office," Victoria began to pull me with her. Her red-blonde curls bounced a bit, her hips swayed, and her feet hopped. She wasn't small, but she was petite. She had meat and skin on her bones, she wasn't skinny, just toned with a lil extra. She was short. Her head reached about my shoulder and even then my clothing swallowed her, my arms engulfed her.

We soon sat facing each other, seated on the small black velvet love seat she had in her office. Victoria's bright blue orbs seemed to see into my soul, uncovering my secrets. The door creaked and without looking away from me, Victoria held up her hand and motioned for us to be left alone. No, stay, I can't tell her this.

"What was it that you were thinking so deeply of?"

How do I say it? How do you say that you knew her position and sent men to kidnap her just so you could make her your bride? You're no better than those cazzo di merda chiamate americani. "I- Victoria, amore mio, know that whatever I tell you is not how I feel now. The motive was wrong. I have learned to truly, genuinely love you in these 36hours," a heavy sigh left my lips, I couldn't face her. My eyes darted around her office, anywhere but her precious face, her questioning gaze. (F*cking sh*t called Americans)

"Pietro, tell me, please," Her voice was pleading, begging me to relieve the weight off my shoulders. But if I did that, where would it go? Who would carry it?

Turning, I locked eyes with her. My chestnut orbs met her sky blue ones. "I- I've known you were Chef for a while now. I sent my men to capture you so I could have you to be my wife. So.. so I," my head hung itself, weighed down by guilt and regret. "I wanted to make your life a living hell. Make you suffer for, what I believed, your parents did to mine. I never thought that they fought together till the end. Actually, I never even tried to look at it any other way. My parents were my world. Y-you are my world, now, amore mio," Victoria's eyes had become glossy, her bottom lip began to quiver. "I love you, Victoria. Over these six years I longed to hold you close. Over these six years anger, regret, and sorrow built up in me. And sadly, you were deemed the easiest target. You can leave me, kick me to the curb, destroy my Mafia, retaliate, or even kill me. Mi dispiace," I rose from my seat and handed her the gun I had stowed in my pants.(my love, I'm sorry)

I closed my eyes, the lids heavy. I couldn't do this, I wasn't strong enough. I think I would pull the trigger on myself if she didn't. I didn't want to see her face, hear her cries, witness her break down as my betrayal hit her.

But it never came.

The gun I had held out to her had been slipped out of my grasp by her nimble fingers and placed somewhere out of reach. "Do not. I repeat DO NOT, tell me to kill you ever-f*cking-again. Es ist mir egal, ob du es aus Rache getan hast. Ich habe mich nicht in einen Mistkerl verliebt, der keine Fehler macht. I fell for you! Du verdammtes Arschloch! I fell for your domineering, protective, introverted, powerful self!"(I don't care if you did it out of revenge. I didn't fall in love with a s*n of a b*tch who doesn't make mistakes. You f*cking a**hole)

She never cussed. Every time I talked to her she was clean and cheery. So as those foul words slipped through her plump, kissable lips,  I couldn't help but gawk.

"I love you. I'm not some cliche girl who throws a guy out because he does something wrong. I won't cry myself to sleep over a broken heart. Nein! I fight for those I love. And you, Pietro Eli Giuliani, are the love of my life."(no)

"Victoria, I-"

My jaw snapped to the right, my cheek burned.

"DO NOT! If you leave me so I can be happy, I will murder you myself! If you say I'm better off without you, then go marry the American yourself!" She didn't even seem fazed after slapping me. Her eyes blazed with passionate fury, her cheeks and nose slightly pink and tear streaked. Tears continued to run down her face as she stared me down.

As I continued to take in her distressed state, a single liquid drop slipped past my barrier at the sight of her quivering lips, clenched fists, and wobbling knees. My legs moved on their own, taking the two steps to reach her. I then wrapped her in my arms, refusing to let go, holding her close as if me holding her would solve our problems. "I love you, Amore mio. Always." (My love)

Okay, okay... No need to cry.
Pietro admitted his crappy decisions in life.
Victoria revealed she would never leave him.
Any thoughts? Comments?
There's I much to come😏

Peace~ Gen

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