Chapter 15

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This starts off around the end of chapter 2. Anyone up for Pietro's POV? I ain't a guy(obvi) but here's a shot at the man I imagined ;)

The lights flickered and a muggy heat filled the club, my club. Bodies clumped together, some grinding others flailing around. Disgustoso. Hanna whispered dirty syllables full of pointless seduction into my ear. Why am I even near these filthy rodents? (repulsive)

I didn't care for her words, no. My mind wasn't here. I had sent men to find and kidnap Schwarz's weakness, the boss' pet. And they'd all failed, miserably. None have returned, and knowing Schwarz's mob, they're all dead.

A woman caught my eye. She was clad in a mid-length dress that hugged her body. Her seemingly short legs were large and thicc, but accented and oh-so tempting with those heels she wore. Her curls bounced as she moved with a "man" who carried himself like he still went to college and lived off Daddy's money. The mere thought of this man touching that woman sparked something in me, something I only feel every so often. For her. She even looked like her.

They weren't to far away, so I could hear them. Clearly. He had asked her if she wanted to leave and she rejected him. That's tough buddy. The douche didn't process the rejection well and advanced once  more. I slid out of the booth, pushing past Hanna and towards them. It's my club so this could go two ways, punch or shoot. Violent, I know.

I went with instinct when she went rigid against him. I slipped my prized Maxim 9 out of its holster like it was a natural reflex. No sound rang out thanks to its silencer and the booming music. The guy lay dead on the floor, uncared for by the others around him.

She questioned me. My actions. But after my gentlemanly response, she began to sway her hips along mine. I hardened at the feeling of her tiny frame in my large grip.

"That's actually the third time I've been called that today! The first two times these guys tried to kidnap me!" Her words snapped me out of my reverie. SHE SAID WHAT?! This was the girl who somehow escaped my men's attempts at kidnapping her. But now I have her and I'm not letting her go.

After she repeated herself, I dragged her to one of my private rooms. My red room of the club. I was about to ruin the boss's prized puttana.

It took more effort than I expected, including discovering a Ruger between the very plump assets she has, but I learned something. She's their  Verführerisch Mörderin. I sent men to kidnap a damn seductive murderess. The assassin trained to manipulate even the hardest of men. But, something told me she only does it on the job to kill and never for more...(Seductive murderess)

She had struck a deal with me. She answers a question and I use this room how it's supposed to be used. Sexually. Intimately.

"Boss.. wants you. Whether for information... so I'm doing what I know how to do to bring you in..." her words became more labored and strained as my hand gripped her slender neck. Half of them coming out as incoherent mumbling.

"If your boss was any decent man he'd come confront me himself!" That's what I would do! So why the heck send a woman to do his dirty work?

She released a dry laugh, "Boss ain't no man. Far from it really. In all honesty, boss is directly related to the last Chef."

"Are you saying, that your boss is a Donna?" I moved my hands from her throat and stopped fiddling with her heels to grasp both of her wrists above her head. Then it hit me. Oh shit... Chef George only had two children. Wilhem and Victoria. Boy and girl. Last I heard from Wilhem he was with his family in upstate New York. So that leaves...

"Ja." (Yes)

"In direct relation to George? The last boss?"
Let's see your answer, Tesoro.

"I believe that what I said. Why?" Her eyes widened like saucers as she connected the dots herself.

I never thought I'd see her again. Il mio donna. Il mio tesoro. (My woman. My darling)

She was brushed against a wall under my control. I had her. She was as f**king beautiful as ever. She'd slightly changed in these six years. She's learned to carry herself more confidently, but she still was the same. Same figure. Same voice. How did I not see it?!

I stepped back and turned away. My feet and hands moved on their own accord. I turned back around and held her beautiful face in my rough palms. And I just stared, taking in her doll-like features. So round and smooth, like porcelain, and yet speckled with hundreds of tiny brown freckles. Blue eyes the color of a bright blue sky and yet dark like the night under the dim lights. This was her. My darling. But it can't be... "No.. non può essere. Victoria?"(no it can't be)

"The one and only," she chirped, slightly shocked and yet very much relieved. She pecked my hands like a butterfly lands on a flower.

"I found you, Tesoro!" I kissed her. Instinct. Action. Longing. I missed her presence for six years. But now I held her to complete what was to be finished all those years ago. To avenge. To fulfill. To uphold my promise.

I ran my tongue along her lower lip, seeking access. But she denied me it.

"Wha.. why so shocked? Did vou forget ve conversation Vati and vour vather had?" Her slight German twang mixed with her slight southern drawl. That's her.

Oh I remember.. my darling fiancée.

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